As a former apologist, I have lost hope

Portal 3
Halflife 3
Left 4 Dead 3
Burnout 6
NFS Underground 3

To name a few that people thought could happen but didnt

The exemples i brought up are games that DID come out though :V

Wait, really, well damn

They delayed the game so they could finish it, and your asking for more content!! ahahahah

But no really it would take more work/time to add stuff for OW1.

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Well the difference between these and overwatch 2 is that we know overwatch 2 is being made.

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Furthermore, we do not know how much content there is

But to also be fair, even then 3+ years for releases is nothing new to the industry, especially when it comes to triple A games. Some of my favorite franchises take at least 5 before they get a proper new game. This isn’t just Blizzard being Blizzard, its pretty normal for all big companies to habe this sort of timeframe, this stuff takes time to do.

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We appreciate the communication, Andy. I know I do for sure. If there was one bit of feedback I hope you and Jodie take to the team it would be that it would be nice if we heard news like this from the team itself, and not indirectly via these earnings reports.

I understand why it’s not easy to deliver news like this or updates from the development team, but it seems inevitable that the public will find out. Might as well let it come from the team, and soften the blow. Again, this is not pointed at you specifically, just some feedback to relay to the team. Thank you for your work.


Hey Andy, I think the main frustration comes from the fact that we see the delay as further delay to key content for Overwatch. I want the team to take as much time as possible on PvE I would not be overly upset about a PvE release in holiday 2023, even Q1 2024.

The problem is that any delay to the PvE portion of OW2 also delays meaningful PvP content. New hero’s, maps, and game modes are all being held up along with the much more complex PvE portions (or at least that’s how it appears).

To be clear, I’m actually more excited for the PvE content, it presents my friends and Me an opportunity to enjoy Overwatch while having wildly different skill levels. My one friend won’t even play OW any longer due to the sheer amount of time investment it takes to play pvp at a semi-competitive level. However we regularly play CoD zombies and have a great time, we even play with my buddy’s dad who’s markedly worse.

However for my interest and most hard core players the delay represents another year of waiting for any kind of meaningful update


In fairness, I think the problem a lot of people have is not that it’s simply taking a long time, but that they feel that it’s eaten into the quality of the base game. OW1 was regularly receiving updates including new heroes, and when they announced OW2 they basically just completely shut off that stream of content.

I by no means feel like they owe us anything, but I think it’s reasonable to see why people would be upset, since they were used to getting regular updates and now they just aren’t. If OW1 never received regular updates to begin with, or if it still received new heroes/maps from time to time, I don’t think people would really care that OW2 is taking a long time to complete.


Hah… wow okay. no release in 2022 either.

While they do have a playable game. We’ve seen people play it and it seems to be stable. So what do they need all that extra time for? :laughing:

more microtransaction systems probly, right? :stuck_out_tongue:

Would love to know if Blizzard have contingency plans if 5v5 turns out to be horse manure. Another 3 years in development?

Not if, when…

They’ve sunken too much time into 5v5 to scrap it.

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the last map was havana in what i believe was 2018-2019, so yeah 3-4 years… wow

Imagine if they gave us a rough map maker to tide us over.

The hardest part for me personally is to not make assumptions.

It takes a lot of guts to stand before shareholders (metaphorically) and say that spending will be above projections while revenue will be below. In an insultingly simplified way to look at it, a project delay is a huge amount of lost money that may never be recouped. I don’t know if Blizzard/Activision, or their shareholders, believe they will make this money back on any timeline. If they do, it will have to come from other sources for the immediate future. If they have to eat the cost, they’ll need to cut costs somewhere and it’ll be scary to find out where.

Harder to think about though is delaying a game with no public launch date to begin with. Based on past press releases I personally think the original plan was Q3 2022 to avoid conflicts with other company properties as well as sync with OWL. This is my speculation and not fact. Realistically they didn’t have to say anything about delaying launch because they never committed to anything in the first place. This could’ve been another report of “harumph horrah we make great strides and mnth-over-month revenue is X dollars to Y dollars” but they announced a delay and I have no idea why.

For a less business opinion and more game dev opinion though: The scope of OW2 is huge. It’ll be a miracle to deliver everything they promised by 2024. As far as I can guess they’ll need to make cuts to the game or keep us guessing on a possible release date. Both of those possibilities make me feel pretty crappy.


they wont, they’ll just rush out a stupidly balanced experimental and one death match map in 1 year and call it content

One piece of content I hope to see in 1 soon is cross progression. I wanna move to pc but my 5 years of Xbox stuff.


They promised a while ago that they were going to implement it but so far have been silent. I think it was in 2019 too…