Are you trolling us?

You can speak for the greater portion of the community?

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They speak for themselves :man_shrugging: I’m not making you ask them.

Thank you man! =)

lol i am not sure if the OP is sarcastic or not

About this thread.
1- “It’s better to be balanced than fun”.
2- No game balancing team, just a few very talented artists together with a bunch of dudes that have God Complex.
3- Literally the initials of the game director spells J.K.

Err I will assume when you use those pronouns you are speaking of Brig. That is a correct assumption?

Anyway, going with that assumption for a moment… I just killed an ulting Brig mid-ult today while on Sombra countering an enemy Sym. The Brig targeted one of my teammates which allowed me to hack her while she was using her bash on that teammate with back facing me.

Immediately after the hack worked I started shooting her up using my m1 focusing on the neck in short but strong bursts. Brig died shortly thereafter and I got 98% kill credit.

For the record, the hack did nothing to stop Brig’s ult. It mainly stopped Brig’s passive healing and the knockback skill since the bash already was used on my teammate.

I’ve also in the past taken down an ulting Brig as Bastion, Soldier, Pharah, and Junkrat. So, no, she is not ‘unkillable’.

If it is your opinion that Brig’s greatest strength is her ult armor buildup… that’s already been nerfed once. If it is really a huge issue it will probably be nerfed a second time, but honestly it does not feel as unbalancing of a move as it once did. Then again everyone has different perceptions of things.

She didn’t even need a nerf and she still got one, what are you complaining about?

Cool story. Overwatch in text is awesome (no)
You killed brigitte!!! Congratulations because this is realy hard =)

Yes, I was talking about Brig, not Mother Teresa. I thought it was obvious, sorry.

While this Brig was attacking your teammate and using bash, she probably killed them or was just about to, so one of her teammates could easily finish them off. You’ve just used your hack in order to make one hero shieldless like everyone else for 6sec, so you can finally kill her and after perfect position and execution of the hack and aiming right at her neck you only managed to even the score, because she also killed one of your teammates in the process. And great job btw aiming at her neck, I wish I had your aim. But I think if it took you any longer to kill her (if you didn’t hit all headshots in a small window of time), she would have outhealed all the damage and tore your teammate and then you to pieces by holding a button. Great job outdamaging her ult with consistent headshots.

So what does this mean for the rest of us who are playing tank/support and can’t do as much dps as a bastion/soldier/pharah/junkrat? How can we stand a chance fighting her during her ult on payload/point if she’s THAT hard to kill. Your story has just inspired me to be a sombra main for the rest of my life. I guess I shouldn’t be playing support if Brig is in the game, I should be playing sombra or a top-end dps hero! because theyre the only ones who CAN kill Brig. Makes sense… Every other hero happens to be killable by everyone else, but this one only has a few counters, they’re all top dps heroes, and she can still outplay them with good positioning, and using her team to cover her few weaknesses and all the while by holding a button… Seems fair, right?

…but she needs to do all that to counter tracer…blabla…dive was getting boring…blabla…some people aren’t good with aim, so what, they should be just as powerful…blabla…finaly a support that doesn’t get stomped by everyone…blabla…

I’m so sick of her broken kit honestly. I’m so tired of it. I wish I had a time machine to before she was released.


Oh i never thought about this but this is true, now i flaming more

bro this must be reported!!
youre right

I know right, it’s not like you have teammates laying around to help you focus the Brig down or anything.

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So it’s been increased by 40% since launch. Not to mention the angle of her shield bash hit box was reduced by 33.3% and they took an entire third off of the amount of permanent armor her ult provides for everyone. Just stop, the whiners have been catered to enough.

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Depends, really. As long as the sample of players who have a public profile is big enough it shouldn’t be a problem, especially because players at higher ranks are more likely to have a public profile.

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Your logic are insane facepalm by this logic they can introduce hero with 1000hp (for exemple) 200 dps and nerfs it by long time xD
150 armor, man, ARMOR!!! It was so imbalance like her CD for STUN (strongest ability in the game btw). Shield bash hit box? This was not fix? More lookes even like buff - easier to stun chosen target.

Well… If Blizzards answer to balance is to just make everyone super broken compared to what they once were, kind of like what they’ve done to Hanzo, I’m okay with Briggite being in this game I guess?

I mean I’d prefer if every single hero took a lot of talent to pull off but that doesn’t seem to be Blizzard’s vision.

JUST MAKE EVERYONE ELSE SUPER BROKEN ALREADY! Particularly McCree and 76 please :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t know but I want a piece of that.

Yea, I mean it’s not like those teammates are busy trying to kill heroes that are actually killable in a short window of time, in a fast paced game where every second matters. Maybe you’re right, maybe our whole team needs to take the time to focus this one hero no matter how long it takes or who else (who is actually killable) is trying to wipe us in the process…kappa. Oh and if the brig is getting pocket healed then I guess we have to focus her for even longer? Or maybe we should focus the healer first and let brig kill 2 of us, and THEN we can focus her as a team? When is a good time to focus an armored paladin with a shield if everyone is always getting shot by every hero who can be killed quickly? Except by the time you kill them, brig is already on objective, dominating and auto-winnning.

Hey man, 1s is a long time in OW. Just see how it plays out. I don’t even like Brigitte but give it a chance.

Genjis with Brig opinions lol