Are you stuck in a rank indefinitely?

HAH You are so clueless.

Part of the problem is that people who aren’t in Gold think they know what they are talking about when they really don’t.

The only variable between Gold and Plat is the level of bad game sense most Gold players have.

I have BEEN at the threshold for Plat half a dozen times!!! I was 2496, and got leavers, throwers and people who just plain did not have any skill with the heros they chose.

Do NOT say that I deserve to be in Gold when I repeatedly PROVE I have the skillset to climb UP TO 2496…and then suffer a loss streak due to other peoples lack of skill. DO…NOT…play that game.


Gold is escapable, if you can get up to 2496 once you can do it again. Look dude, no one here has called you bad, you gotta get out of this defeatist and victimizing attitude. This is a game, don’t play it for SR, don’t play it to get tilted at a loss, play it for fun.

The only constant in all your games is you, focus on that.


Good news! I placed in silver with a score of 1885 and 4/10 wins. That’s a lot better than I thought I’d do.

Thank you all for the advice. I’ll keep practicing, but I think the worst part is out of the way. Now that I can stop worrying about where I stand, I think it will be easier to just calm down and play. Comp is still stressful, granted, but at least placement is over and done with.


Hey congrats dude, you got this! Good luck in your future games, and I hope you keep up with the positive mental attitude. It makes all the difference.

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Yeah, wow. Your ability to climb all the way to gold really proves that you’re not gold.

Btw, I reached 3500 recently. I’m still diamond.

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In season 2, my low SR was about 600 (legit, I wasn’t throwing). I know perfectly well how the low ranks are. I worked myself out, the slow way. I think I was still in bronze when I got my first golden weapon, but I may have been silver. Here is my advice: Bronze - Sliver - Gold ranking guide. Note especially the psychology section.


Your guide feels very appropriate. On second thought, I think I’ll play comp very sparingly. After two matches of being chastised, first by my own team for being “trash dps” and later by the opposing team for attempting to pull off “the most obvious ult [they’ve] ever seen,” yeah, I don’t think I’m cut out for comp. I’m getting tilted pretty hard right now.

Honestly though, while usually I get angry at myself for being awful, I can understand people who blame their team. I don’t think it’s right, but from personal experience, playing with a team in sync can make a massive difference. I can go from losing the objective almost instantly, to capturing it almost instantly based partially on how coordinated everyone is. Of course, skill is not to be ignored, but at the same time, win or lose, everyone plays better if people are in sync.

I also know that it can be frustrating when you know what a solid, cooperative team feels like, but you get shuffled with people you find hard to work with. Note, I’m not saying these people are bad, so much as they have vastly different styles or instincts than you. It’s easy to blame people who don’t play the way you play, though in the end, blaming them isn’t helping anyone. It is understandable how people are so quick to place blame, however.

I will say I like your guide. Going to keep it bookmarked for future reference. Thanks!

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Not at all. Firstly if you are a bronze level player, you want to be in bronze. Why? Because games are much much easier. Nobody likes getting stomped time and time again. That is what will happen when you are playing at a rank too high for your level.

Secondly, once you improve and bronze becomes too easy, your team naturally has an advantage because you’re on it. This makes your win rate go up and it’s impossible to stay in bronze any longer.

I just went 15-0 in gold this week for example duo-queuing with my hard stuck friend who has been in gold for the past 8 seasons. Don’t listen to anybody who says you can’t climb or that matches are rigged. If you are better than the rank you are in, you will win… a lot and often. If you aren’t winning, then it’s just proof you aren’t actually better than that rank.

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You feel like you are improving drastically but unable to get out of a rank? I have a theory why.
The gold players from early season is not that good in comparison to the gold players of this season.

For example, my first competitive placement is diamond. Several seasons later I feel like I improved a lot so I should be climbing to master. However, I still stuck at the same diamond rank.

When I watched my old diamond gameplays from early season, I realized how bad I was. My positioning was a mess. I cannot aim properly, but the enemy was equally just as bad as I.

I was thinking “this can’t be diamond, I am watching a gold gameplay”.
I came to the conclusion that the gold player of today equal to the diamond players of early seasons.
So even though you are improving, for every seasons, the skill requirement gets higher to reach a certain rank.

I have some friends who reached GM and Master in season 2, but in this season, they fell down to diamond. It is likely because their improvement rate cannot catch up with other players at their rank.


This is always a part of competitive games. I was extremely high up (like top 25) in a game I used to play and I know that if I hadn’t started within a few months of its release I never would have got there. No one with less than than two year’s experience (and it was only 3 years old) was over 95 percentile. Almost all the pros had been playing from within a few months of day 1 and played in the earliest tournaments. When I look back on old tournaments everyone was awful by contrast. Like 80 percentile pub game performance. Stupid decisions, weak mechanics, hesitation, suboptimal builds (even for those patches).

For OW it’s even worse actually because a lot of people have played FPS on PC for ages. This is my first PC shooter and I’ve only gotten my laptop under a year ago. If I had started when the game was released maybe there’s a chance to hit a high tier quickly, but now you’re chasing people far more experienced than you and so it’s a grind.

But that’s just natural. To progress in tier you must improve more than the average player at that tier. Something similar is always true case in competition. It’s true of sports, video games, hobbies, chess/go, etc.

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Don’t worry about them if you get better you will climb the people who say that simply think they are better than they are.

It’s amazing someone on this fourm actually learning something. Yes that’s exactly how it works you have to improve faster than your peers to climb as EVERYONE is improving.

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My profile is living proof that you can climb out of gold etc. My lowest rank ever was mid silver and I played since closed beta. Since day 1 I never liked my rank, but I focused on my own gameplay instead of my teammate’s.

When I get 50 elims and 35k damage in a match and we LOSE because of lack of heals thats NOT a skill issue on MY part. End of story.

We can still lose because healers aren’t healing or we have reckless tanks and DPS who feed the enemy.

You’re already ahead of the majority of people that start new threads in the comp forums with that line of thinking.

Don’t forget it, and remember that there’s always a mute and squelch chat button on the party/group menu (default p, if you’re on pc). When you get someone you know who’s going to be hopeless, you can mute them out.

And this is why you will stay in Gold for the foreseeable future.

For the record, I placed in Gold back in season 2. I ended that season in Silver. Spent the next few seasons barely scraping Plat.

Took until season 5 for me to hit 2800.

Took until season 10 for me to hit 3k, although I did miss a few seasons in between.

I have spent a lot of time in Gold. Now, I can stomp through Gold in solo queue, playing any role. Your teammates are not holding you back. You are the problem. You’re so focused on what they’re doing wrong, that you aren’t accurately assessing what you are doing. You aren’t even considering the possibility that some of these, “bad,” healers are playing worse because you aren’t doing your job every match. Until you’re honest about your gameplay, you will forever be hard stuck.

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When I am ON POINT…getting 40+ elims with 25-30 or more of those elims being ON POINT and almost half of them are solo kills…while DPS Moiras are flanking and dying.

Your argument is completely invalid.

1 player mucks it up for the rest of the team. A useless Moira dying to Sym she tries to solo away from their team is the same thing as a leaver or a player sitting AFK in spawn. You are AT A DISADVANTAGE!! You lack heals, and therefore you die, which ends up lowering performance.

If players were healing instead of DPSing death would NOT be an issue.

Playing a hero POORLY…needs to be considered THROWING!! Here is why!!

1.) You are not providing any support to your team

2.) You are making bad plays that are causing you to die needlesly.

3.) You are not utilizing yor abilities.

These conditions ARE THE SAME FOR THROWERS AS IT IS FOR POOR PLAYERS!! The situation is the same. You are effectively playing a 5v6 at a major disadvantage. End…of…STORY!!!

Yet I’ve climbed through multiple ranks, can easily climb through Gold, and you’re complaining about being stuck. Gee.

So if you don’t protect your healers, should they report you? Because I have an account I’m currently taking through Gold, third account I’ve done it on, and most supports I play with do fine if they’re protected. If bad supports are that common in your games, something is going wrong with your play style. Also… You could play support, you know. You can’t complain about bad supports in Gold while apparently refusing to flex onto them.

Your story will end with another season in Gold if you keep up with all of these terrible excuses.

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A healer cant be protected when they ARE FLANKING TO KILL A SYM!!!

I can protect healers who are within sight to be protected. Stop defending other peoples bad choices to negate what I have said. That is a ridiculous argument.

Terrible excuse you say? Tanks and DPS dying due to lack of heals is a FACT…not an excuse.

Really? That happens every match, does it? Every single healer you play with?

Stop passing all of your problems off as the faults of other players. Also, define, “within sight.” Are you saying you abandon healers who are even slightly out of position? Because you’re in Gold. Positioning tends to be a pretty big issue.

Lol, nah, it’s an excuse. I’m not even that great on DPS, and I could get your account to Platinum without much issue while flexing on damage in solo queue. You’re not going to learn the game if you’re constantly pretending everyone else in your rank is beneath you.