Are you guys ever going to fix the issue with "Comm Devices"?

This has been an on going problem for a while now that you and everyone else is typically aware of. When using devices such as blue tooth headsets you can’t hear the other people talking and sometimes they can’t hear you. It is getting kind of aggravating in all honesty and I am unsure why you guys have not attempted to fix this yet.

If you guys do have plans of fixing it, let me know. We can all be happy then if you guys are finally going to fix this problem that aggravates a lot of people. We have so far just dealt with it and those of us who don’t own any other headset besides Bluetooth ones, have simply been using our computers sound and mic.

However I think it is about high time you guys do something about this Comm Devices issue. It limits players and can be quite an annoyance. I for one prefer using a headset seeing as the audio is better usually so it helps me focus on the game better as well as helps me be quicker to hear if someone is trying to sneak up on me in matches.

It’s an issue with the way Bluetooth works and how many audio channels Overwatch uses. They have covered this before with a full explanation, please see this link:

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