Are we really going to just let Brigitte kill this game?

Ahh, another short-sighted Brig-bashing Topic. What would happen if Brig was “gone”? We’d have endless threads from Support players about how they’re constantly getting killed with little-to-no chance of even fighting back by Tracers, Genjis, etc. Support players may end up just quitting, leaving the already stressed tank players with fewer reliable Support players. (complain about tanks being overpowered all you want, it’s a nightmare being a tank player, as all those hacks, boops, etc usually come your way)

Just take a look at all these people crying “nerf goats”, now take a look at what is getting played a lot more on Ladder - Bunker. A comp that many say is even MORE boring than goats. Then there’s the rise of “Sombra goats”, which many say is also worse than goats, because it’s not fun to simply not be able to use your abilities at all.

The problem with this game isn’t Brig, it isn’t tanks, it isn’t Supports, it’s DPS heroes and the mentality around them. Many DPS heroes don’t synergise well with most Tanks and Supports (with Nano-Blade, Grav-Dragon, and a few others being exceptions), for example, flanking DPS often can’t be healed by their team unless they poke their nose into line of sight. Many of the DPS players I get in my games tend to act like they’re the most important carry in the match, despite constantly dying to the enemy Widow and hardly going near the payload/objective.

The key thing I’ve noticed in watching high-level gameplay is just how differently DPS heroes are actually played, they don’t simply flank or charge in, hope to get a pick, and blame the rest of their team when they die instantly and get no kills. The high-level DPS players actually work with their teams, they’ll work on poking down shields, they’ll often only flank to draw attention, not to get kills, and have rapid escape plans. They’ll also cover their Tanks and Supports, something which the 1v6 Doomfist player who always engages first, even if his team isn’t there never does.

Now that I think about it, maybe it’s just that most people playing DPS wrong? If you’re Tracer and you know the enemy has a Brig, either bait out the Shield Bash, or have your team do it by pushing the Brig, don’t sit there and cry about it then creating 500 “Delete Brig” posts. Heck, I generally get stuck on main tank duty, do you kinow how much at times I want Pharah deleted when I’m on Rein?

But yeah, Brig is not the problem with this game, even calling her “no-skill” is completely incorrect, if you screw up ONE Armor pack, ONE Shield Bash, ONE Whip Shot, get even slightly out of position, and the chances are that your team loses the fight. If it was all “no-skill”, than every goats match in the OWL would be 50/50 all the time, but it isn’t. Just because it isn’t “point and click” with a gun, don’t rule out skill being required to be able to play the hero.

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So basically flankers who wont move a payload & constantly cry for you to pick a healer that suits them even though they have chosen a flanker that doesn’t suit you expect the one character that counters them to be deleted to give them free reign. Lol

Take pharah, she’s done end of story. When I play brig I’m far from invincible

Only problem with Pharah is she is the worst character in the game right now as they basically buffed all her counters to make the Hitscan crowd happy

Junkrat & Doomfist destroy Brigs the problem is Tracers & Genjis cant take having counters that stop them dead so they want Brig delete

A Rein can delete brig, a Winston can kill her(although a bit slower). Pharah hard counters her, and so do all snipers who she can’t reach

yes because brig’s radius is the whole map. definitely not counterable

While I agree OP is being over dramatic, this is a stupid solution (no offense).

If she is on the point and you aren’t in her radius then you aren’t on point. If you aren’t on point you are losing. You have to contest point, regardless of whether or not it is difficult to win the fight.

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Actually, the best counter I’ve seen to Brigitte is Ashe. Brigitte is just completely ruined by dynamite; she can’t block it and it’ll hit both her and her shield, leaving her with low health and on fire and with her shield partly broken. After that, it’s a simple matter of using your rifle to knock the shield down the rest of the way, and then kill her off. Brigitte can’t really do anything about any of this except play very defensively and stick to her team core, and hope the main healer rescues her if you dynamite her anyway.

Brigitte does not personally destroy flankers, for what it’s worth. It’s a entire team composition of Brigitte+Rein+any Off Tank that gives you a very tough, very brawly team core that is extremely resistant to flankers. You can’t really blame Brigitte in particular, by herself she’s extremely vulnerable to being kited or outmaneuvered. It’s the team composition as a whole that makes flankers low value.

Yeah like Felhelen said above, I definitely OP is being dramatic and wrong because there are counters to brig… but seriously… your suggesting this?
Have you ever seen goats?
Do you realize she’s been meta for over a year now? (now only in OWL though luckily)
If what you said was true she’d never be meta, seriously “just dont go in her range” is just a meme now

Brigitte complains in 2019… i feel like I have opened a time capsule.

Welcome to Overwatch, hard counters existed since release. Pharah-Reaper, Bastion-Winston, Sombra-Hammond, all these one-sided interactions. Don’t like Brig? Learn other heroes and roles. Because flankers are finally contested by somebody (two years after release and by 1 character lol).

Brig hater here.

Stop complaining about her. She is fine. She doesn’t heal much, she doesn’t do too much damage, her armor is never permanent, her cooldown are fair but still strong enough to be balanced. She can only operate within close range. And she is countered by burst damage and can be one shot by many heroes.

I hate her too, I think she was mistake. But she is in the game and is balanced. Stupid, but balanced. Let it go.

She’s literally useless without Lucio, she doesn’t heal as well as others and doesn’t one-shot people anymore in addition to other nerfs. Quit complaining.

not the the extent that brig does tho. its why she defines the pro meta.

she has a built in counter to every hero in the game but pharah:

any close range hero, she hard counters; she wins free 1 v 1 in her radius. she also has to press left click once every 5 seconds to heal her entire team more than base lucio. she has nano on a 6 second CD.

if you attempt to fight her or her team at all until a range DPS gets a pick, you are just feeding rally.

range heroes can shoot her, but she has 2 health pools that she can alternate; 500 on shield and 250 (w/ armor); both of these health pools auto-regen; so her effective health is something like 1,000-1,200. which is comparable to a main tank.

snipers can dome her out, but she also has a shield that covers her entire model. and for whatever reason, when you headshot her as widow or hanzo, she always seems to survive with 10 health.

not to mention that Rally has apparently been bugged since her release to be double as effective as other armor…

Another greatest ill-conceived notion of Overwatch 2019. I can’t believe we’re still talking about Brigitte as if she is a goddess amongst mere mortals.