Are we just not allowed to talk about Mercy anymore?

You two are ignoring the biggest weakness of Mercy, she needs her team to use her mobility. All the other supports have ways to defend themselves. Ana has sleep dart, Moira can shoot a healing orb while fading away, zen discord, Lucio can speed boost wall ride or boop and Brigiite can use shield/boop/bash away.


Oh, please. “Weakness” my ***. Give me Winston jumping up in the air for a moment or, even better, enemy Junkrat - and I’ll get to places Moira can only dream of. Mercy (and healers in general) is never alone. If you find yourself in a situation where you have no beneficial GA routes, that’s nothing more than your miscalculation.


So because of that weakness the solution was to make her better at everything to make up for her needing teammates for mobility? I will agree that is one big weakness but thats why shes a healer if she fails to keep her team alive thats on the player. With her new kit its harder to kill her teammates without a team jumping on the person shes healing. To be honest with the recent nerf i still dont see her being picked less because she still has so much to offer.

So what? Mercy is the most team dependent out of all the heroes so she needs that mobility and if you can’t kill a Mercy then maybe you’re aiming is terrible.

How is she better at everything? A Ana or Moira can out heal a Mercy, her kit never changed outside of a healing buff and rez put on a CD so why is it suddenly ‘OP’? Doesn’t help that Ana and Moira got nerfs to help push Mercy as the ‘best’.


The kit shes been given now is still doing too much for the team. Good mobile single target healer, with her ult can heal multiple targets, in ult has more mobility than ever, in her ult has infinite ammo to pick off low enemy’s, and then with rez as a cooldown? Shes had 10 recent nerfs and shes still a must pick, tell me how they are going to balance her kit right now without making her mediocre at all these skills and yet not steeping into the other supports territory. You can’t she does everything.

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It’s all the same thing. “Waaah, she’s bad now, bring back mass rez!..Valk sucks.”

But are you going to read up on why and how she outshines other supports or are you just gonna complain about people speaking up because you only look at the surface and dont see the problem?


It’s funny because people spam the forums with “StoP SpAmmMInG MeRcy ThrEads” Even though there was like 2 in the past day. The the double standards happened on Brigitte’s release where there was literally 20 Brigitte threads within 3 hours and nobody said crap about it.


Because Brig is just annoying with her shield bash and how fast she swings her mace i don’t think anyone really thinks shes broken everything i said could be easily fixed with the kit she has right now.

I don’t think the mega thread should be locked…

If it isn’t helping and is just toxic okay, but people genuinely expressing concerns deserve to be addressed and remain open for debate. I didn’t know they locked the meathread too, and personally I’m not that happy with current mercy either.


That still doesn’t excuse the fact that Any Mercy threads = Spam and 20 Brigitte or practically any other hero Threads = Completely fine. Hell, they were especially far from constructive with how most of the hero threads are just “Remove x hero I don’t like playing VS Them” or just a mindless whine post.


Blizzard when they hear mercy name:


Because half of everything many say, is considered disrespectful. Also, I do understand Blizzard’s side, because half of the threads are pure complaining and crying about how she’s so good. Mostly, since no constructive criticism is added to the thread.

It’s not that Blizzard doesn’t like threads (mostly don’t like “spam” such as complaining) but it’s just an overflow of Mercy threads that they could just keep it to one simple megathread.

She get’s the treatment because of the character that receives the most love and hate in the community.

While I agree on this, it’s for the simple fact of popularity and hatred towards Mercy.

They aren’t giving feedback though. Half of the threads are just complaints and no constructive criticism whatsoever. That’s their reason.

Here, I do happen to agree.

I do agree the ignorance they’ve given towards the forums and their playerbase overall, but the community is being a quite unreasonably community too. You know, at least provide constructive criticism.

Yes for the simple fact of she’s one of the top3 most hated heroes in game, currently.

It’s not a good look, true, but they have their reasons.

Stop repeating yourself, we get it.

That’s heartwarming (No sarcasm intended). She is in fact sometimes to me a fun hero to play, although I almost never do. I can agree.

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It’s not even a megathread. It’s just a trash bin, they put pretty much anything Mercy related there. Toxic threads against Mercy players, joke threads, you name it.


I made one saying Mercy should be reworked again and it was locked after 2 replies agree’ing with me.

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Perhaps we would not need megathreads if we just had separate character specific forums and a forum for discussing balance changes and balance suggestions


if you want to post the same thing over and over of course your thread will be closed

its been proven. someone posted the devs’s posts read and even added all together owuldnt make up half the posts in the megathread.


Isn’t it beating a dead horse though?
Blizzard knows what the Mercy mains want but it’s not what blizzard wants.
What’s the point of acknowledging all the feedback when it’s always on the same thing?
They’ve already established that they aren’t reverting her but that’s all people talk about. It’s pointless to respond anymore.

Employee: “sir there’s more Mercy feedback”

Jeff: “anything new besides the revert?”

Employee: “no”

Jeff: “Ok”

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Because every feedback is “revert Mercy”…

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