Are we about to get an item system?

I don’t see customizable loadouts coming to OW. IIRC there is a quote from Jeff stating that he didn’t want to create a situation where “My Tracer is better than your Tracer” which is exactly what would happen if customized loadouts became a thing.

the loadout system sounds like a nightmare to me

Could be generic stuff that would apply to everyone/anyone like:

Barrier Cloak - 50 of your Health is converted into Shields.

Glass Cannon - +10% damage done, +10% damage taken.

Speed Boots - +10% speed, -10% health.

Ultimate Boost - you gain 1% ult charge from using a big health pack.

Time Beacon - when you take a hit that would kill you, you “recall” back in time 2-3 seconds.

Chryofitter - your primary deals 50% less damage, but slowly freezes enemies with every shot.