Are they going to abandon balancing for 2-2-2 and just get rid of rolequeue?

Her DM should never have had a slower response time than sigma barrier. This was a revert.
Her fusion cannons shouldn’t have slowed her by 50%, so this buff to 40% is basically QOL.
Her missiles should never have had a firing delay. More QOL.

This is not bold balancing changes. Theyrer super minor changes that do nothing to make her tanky, which is her real problem. And it’s been a year, so they’re really really overdue and their timidness reinforces the feeling that the role is abandoned.

They are timid because for a very long time D.Va was the best tank in the game and felt mandatory in almost any comp. If it was goats, dive, she arguebly even outperformed Hog in bunker. Seemingly small things can tip the scale pretty hard when it comes to tanks.

She was never mandatory and never the best tank in the game, Rein was. And Zarya was always better than her. And had they buffed hog instead of nerfing her 12000 times in a row, then you would have had all three offtanks viable and playable at the same time. Destroying her made the only tank choices barriers. This meta is far more restrictive than any meta involving D.Va, where she was often and even usually swapped for someone else, like with goats.

To a large extent I agree - I don’t like 1 tank personally, but I think Jeff K. is enamored with it.

Take and hold space, which technically any character can theoretically do.

I’m advocating for 2-3-2 because its kinda giving the best of both worlds, where you get all the benefits of adding a third dps slot while mentaining the tank duo synergy and youre not creating new problems. You could even afford to nerf the damage down overall without the dps heroes becoming too ineffective.


I dont think they planning to drop role q, i think they going to try to change it to 3 dps 2 supports and 1 tank in OW2.

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Role Q suffers because of the unpredictability of the player. Most of the pros were rejoicing for RQ. Yet, i’d like to know why they were. If they were so “PRO” at this game. They’d simply KNOW that there is a slot to be filled, swap to it and play.

Role Jail - AKA Role Q.

What concerns me is the lack of understanding when it comes to a Match maker. HUMAN ERROR is the #1 factor in a de-railed match. Sure, the MM can base player behavior on certain matches played. But Gamer Fatigue and STEAM ROLLS from previous matches destroy player quality of future matches that day.

I will admit. If the last match was a TOTAL bust and goes nowhere. I TILT. Many other players do too. I go and say:

“Welp the games today are a bust. Im done trying”

That is any game though.

Sure, Role Jail GIVES you a TANK, a HEALER and DPS. But If the game cannot build a match that works. It is still a FAILURE.

What I have found from this Role Jail this System is outright AWFUL.

Example. The Role Jail gives one role a team with 2 players with different skill ratings. One, that holds maybe 1000+ hours on the game, then it gives the same role in slot #2 a brand new account with maybe 10 hours or 30 hours on it in the same ROLE. While the enemy team gets 2 players with an AVERAGE experience time that of equal to both.

The match starts out fairly well, but mid-game that person with the “Dead weight” partner on their team fatigues. Because the OTHER person on their team is NOT picking up the slack. How the system distributes the workload, doesn’t pan-out. It should be taking 2 players with EQUAL experience of the game and putting them into THOSE roles.

Having to “Carry” that role is something that shouldn’t have to occur. and it is VERY obvious blizzard is trying to play around with stuff in the Match maker to somehow “Fit” players in.

What blizzard’s method of “Dead weighting” teams is doing is ruining the match quality. I’ve played a few games where the level 300 Ana with Gold SR goes and FLAMES that level 5 Moira in chat

“for being a complete and total waste of Game resources”

When in reality it is NOT that player’s fault. Other than a POOR system for not giving that ANA a team member with some decent playtime experience to help heal.

*That is the fallout for ROLE JAIL. It often “Dead weights” a team. Sure, it gives you good healers and GOOD DPS, but gives you 2 tanks that are POTATOES. As for WHY anyone at Blizzard thought this was a good idea. of squeezing NUBS into matches for the sake of “Dead weighting” to create " balance". NOT A CLUE.

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I mean … its not like they are clearly balancing for 2-2-2 though.
Any balance done so far (not much because game is in a coma … OW2) its not really that impactful to anything that is not 2-2-2.

So no, RQ will stay and the game will stay as unbalanced as it is right now.

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The devs implemented Competitive open Queue in order for it to exist harmonically alongside 2/2/2 role - lock and because they judged that the amount of players it attracted was significant enough in order to guarantee a place in the main menu for it and/or they implemented it in order to reduce (mainly) DPS queue times for 2/2/2 role - lock.

Additionally, I don’t see how 2/2/2 role - lock is in any way the direct reason why Tank balance especially is lacking, as plain and simply, it has always been lacking when talking about this game lmao.

There’s absolutely zero indication nor proof that the one is going to get the other removed, that Competitive Open Queue is going to overthrow the current main Competitive game mode, etc., but of course absolutely anything can happen in this crazy world of ours if we want to go with that logic…

Whatever they have planned is being held back for OW2 probably.

That’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying that 2-2-2 was always going to need massive tank changes to undo all of the offtank nerfs they’ve done since season 3 to try and fail to convince us to stop picking them over a dps slot. They have done no such tank balance sweeping changes. We all knew offtanks would break in 2-2-2 as they could no longer be a third tank, if they weren’t balanced to be main tanks. Instead what they did is nerf maintanks into offtanks, which crowded the offtanks out of the game. Offtanks have no place in this game anymore. If you want an offtank that can win you go orisa or sigma. If they’re sticking with 2-2-2, then taking an entire year to rebalance the role for it is just crazy.

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there actually are multiple indications of this, the primary one being the return of the mode at all from non-existence

Blizzard has put in considerable time and work (which translates to money) to replace the existing 222 system with something without the many severe problems 222 has added to the game

This isn’t a solid indication of any of the above.

The move of Competitive Open Queue from the Arcade alongside to the main Competitive game mode does indicate though that the amount of players it attracted was significant enough according to the devs in order to guarantee a place in the main menu for it and/ or they implemented it in order to reduce (mainly) DPS queue times for 2/2/2 role - lock.

(I’m talking about what changes such as Competitive Open Queue’s return objectively mean for the game, not what speculation each player can subjectively make out of them).

I truly don’t think that literally copy - pasting a game mode, with all its fundamental flaws and weaknesses from one part of the game to another requires that much work and effort as you’re trying to portray it as…

They are going to add multiple heroes at the same time, pretty sure balance is off the table.

They never said 222 would be a pinnacle of balance. I don’t know why anyone thought that.

They just said it would give them an easier time with balance and I think it’s fairly clear that it has. We have had faster patches and balance.

And they also already said that they aren’t aiming for overall balance… And I agree. They shouldn’t. They really should target the meta because meta is all anyone cares to criticize.

So idk what anyone really expects.

as I said, there are multiple indicators that Blizzard wants to move on from existing 222 and the many severe problems it has added to the game.

the example I provided, which is most certainly one such indicator, is just one of them

not at all

It wasn’t a copy and paste since much of the game aside from the severe limitations of 222 has changed in the interim

further, that isnt how a professional software development process works, not even close.

It’s especially hard to balance around screeching.


dev - i think they want us to buff genji


This is exactly what’s so baffling. We were all complaining about the slow rollout of any sort of adjustments for 2-2-2, tank busters continuing months after goats was impossible, etc… And they somehow took from that that we just want constant change, any change, rather than change meant for reaching a more or less overall balance state and then keep chipping away at outliers. This is why we went on the hero pool wild goose chase instead of more balance. This is why tanks are garbage. They literally don’t think balance is desirable/possible. Only forced “variety” from wild swings in balance. The exact opposite of what the players were clamouring for.