Are these bots in competitive?

I was surprised the other day to see something like this in competitive. The opposing team just stood there in the spawn room.


It’s either bots or one human multi-windowing to control 6 heroes, but either way it’s a deranker taking multiple accounts down at once.

FYI, if you don’t “interact” you can get idle-kicked even though you’re moving around. In case you face a team like that which doesn’t let you hit them through the spawn doors, you can reset that idle-kick timer by getting eliminated so jumping off a convenient cliff should work.

If your map doesn’t have a cliff, I speculate that self-damage heroes might work, getting healed up from self-damage should reset the timer for both the support and the self-damaging hero, I think, but I haven’t actually tested it.

It might also be worth using those techniques to avoid interacting with derankers hiding in spawn (if you can get your team to cooperate) so that they are forced to come out or get idle-kicked… they may already have plans in place to deal with that, but no reason to make it easy on them.

I’m still not sure if the bots that don’t peek you are deliberately forcing idle-kicks so they can rank up, or if they’re just being sloppy in their deranking techniques.

and then all 6 report u 4 throwing and u gone for 1 month
it’s happened to me fighting multiboxers/bots like that
“analysis of evidence” apparently i’m the thrower for staying in combat

also been forced into several hour matches because they get 6 t500 players on their way up and the grief control maps so no game timer

cough cough bullocks

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a little homework goes a long way kids

countless posts come and go about that exploit.
multiple sources
verified with vods
u can’t verify with replay codes bcuz they cap at 60mins and bug out
so the victims screenshot several replay codes and timestamps

just another lose end in the game no1 wants to deal with bcuz ow2 in 2023
and extinction level lawsuits lul

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countless posts, yet zero proof. you are the definition of troll.

no one believes a word you say anymore, you are tainted, like the boy who cried wolf

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i mean plenty of ppl believed it hence the upvotes, articles, vod reviews, and bans

jus who do u speak for? brand damage control or fanbois r’ us?


myself and all the people who dont believe you because they dont want to get banned. but i dont honestly care, since ive been outed with another acct @calculus check out my twitter and twitch! ggezn00bblizzdontcareaboutyou.ttv

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ok so cosby suite whitelisteds

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that might mean something where you are from, but its completely irrelevant where i am from.

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