Are there too many kitten gamer girls?



Body seems unclear, is it a complete sentence?

Not an insult, but I accidentaly do that because I wanted people to be strong…

You’re good, I guess? I’m not too clear what you’re apologizing for. Just keep doing what you’re doing.

Is this a girl wearing fake cat ears or something? To be honest I can’t tell who I’m playing with besides the voices in chat

no, it’s thirsty gamer girls using their gender and body to make people follow them

like this: ht tps://

In a nutshell:

You’re basic af. All the thirsty boys chase you, yet nobody worth their salt cares.

i hate those kinds of girls

just play the game

stop being so useless


I guess some people have forgotten Internet Rule 30

Rule 30 isn’t true but the next 4 Rules is.

I think there are to many pants gamers.

Seriously every other game it’s goldenpants sillypants plantspants you name it there’s a pants for it.

Am I missing somthing here?

Nooooo… why would the internet lie to me? :cry:

the next 4 rules after 30 is.

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JetPack Kitten Girls

You could say it’s a CAT-astrophe

…Ok, I’ll go now

Don’t go we need more cat puns!

I really want to think of one now but my mind is blank.

Do I need to do it meow?

That was a good try, a tad bit too forced though.

Gah I need one or I might just Ragdoll

No your kitten me… this is PUNishment