Are there even community managers anymore

Active with what??? ruining the game more?

Ask about their cat names they will reply immediately, they just won’t reply anything related to overwatch that’s not known already.

This is due geoffman bottleneck, even if andy makes 10 pages of precise feedback and questions, the devs will dismiss them non chalantly, the community is manager role is just a cosmetic role according to devs to ignore at their whim and just a marketing tool till next release.

Andy can try all he wants but he will be stalled and ignored of any serious communication chances cause the devs have always ignore d the community and disrespected it.


True but can be atleast tell what in the god’s name hlc and Paris are still doing in qp ruining the mode.

I mean it should be a pretty short fix being ignored for ages.

I’m sure andy would have asked it only to be told not to be bothered.

How to forum community managers manage the main game…let alone ruin it?


40 replies/posts by Community Managers, in the past 30 days.
They’re doing their job.

There are topics they’re allowed to speak on.
There are topics they’re not allowed to speak on.
I don’t know why this is such a hard concept to grasp.

I check these forums every day via the Blue Tracker to see if I’ve missed anything.
More often than not, I have, and that’s why I come back.

If there’s no new replies/topics that day, oh well, move on, there will be more.
Also it’s… literally Christmas Day. You posted this thread on Christmas Eve.
The community managers have families too.

How selfish can you be?


Not everyone deserves their attention nor should they keep typing out since it’s risky for them to talk about stuff as representatives of the company

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The creator meeting happened about a week ago, not on Christmas Eve. And I doubt they will address it once they return either. So their point remains.

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In software development the last few weeks of December are all basically a wash where everybody is taking extended vacations and nothing really happens. The creator meeting was effectively right at the end of the year, and then the winter event started. I predict that we’ll start getting some announcements of whatever they discussed some time in January, since they wouldn’t have revealed it if it wasn’t finalized and pretty close to being ready for the public.


Tbf, we were promised the reworks of both maps ages ago, at this point they either, left them for OW2, canceled the reworks or straight up lied and never intended to rework them. None of those who ld make any of us happy so being silent is their option apparently.

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Sounds almost as if Karen here wants the Community Manager’s Manager.


They didn’t state the meeting happened on Christmas Eve, they stated the OP posted this on Christmas Eve which means no one is going to respond.

Reading comprehension is your friend.

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Is this a serious post?? I don’t know how someone could actually make this point. We have the most communication we’ve had in years now, and just because our community managers aren’t leaking the whole game for you doesn’t mean they’re not doing their jobs. It’s the holidays, they likely have time off anyway and I sure wouldn’t want to spend my breaks browsing the forums.


I assume they’re on christmas break. And its not their job to leak information.



Their point isn’t about the Content Creator Meeting. Their point is that they (falsely) believe that Community Managers maintain radio silence.

If their concern was about any other topic, it should be in the OP, the Original Post, by the OP, the Original Poster. Neither is the case.

The Community Managers have not been radio silent.

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Community Managers tell you things you know already.

And then tell you things that you don’t know in the most vague and non-concrete way imaginable.

“It’s possible” “We’re looking into it” “We’re thinking about it, it might happen”

Effectively worthless.

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Do you know what day it is? Lol? Man the entitlement complexes lately. So wild. You aren’t owed anything, and certainly not owed anything about a meeting you weren’t invited to lol.


Andy B and the other new girl have been doing amazing

Give em a break for Christmas man. Like half of the modern world is off work until new year

best quote of the season :rofl:

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It’s a funny thing in that if there is no good news it’s better to stay quiet. ON the other hand they have to be some of the most over payed and under worked staff at Blizzard if they don’t have a secondary job.

They make a statement like once every 3-4 months… ignore all replies and concerns and move on.

AndyB and Jodie are on Holiday Leave. What else do you expect?

you mean find ways to have nice interactions with the community and relay info to the devs?

not to be confused with…

i guessing unless they are instructed too.