Are Support Characters Good For Climbing?

As long as you aren’t in Bronze (and maybe lower Silver), yes.

I haven’t played a whe load of comp, but doing decently with support and main tank. I’m at about my natural Sr high, so I can try to garner more sr by helping more talented dps than myself.

But if I was grossly under my “natural” Sr I’d go straight for dps. I recall 1 tricking Torb to climb 650 SR with 65% win rate.

I had previously been hardstuck as Mercy despite 60% win rate as Mercy, thanks to broken Pbsr system.

So not only did I benefit from a higher win rate, Pbsr gains and losses were far far more generous than when playing Mercy.

It is possible but insanely hard. You need to be of diamond or higher skill level to rise from low elo as support. Just start using dps. It doesnt matter if you lose some sr at the start youll climb way easier. If you end up with 3 or 4 dps and the tean complains, just ignore them, whats one more fish in a huge sea of dps mains going to do?

This is true as well. Most will want to play DPS even though the team would need something else desperately like a second support or a main tank.