Are Support Characters Good For Climbing?

I know that you can climb with any class if you are good enough, but the key word there is good enough. What if you aren’t super good at one hero but feel as though you could still be at a higher rank than you are right now? Would supports work for that? If not, which class would be best for that?

Went from 2200 to 2800 in a few hours only playing mercy.

Made an alt placed at 3000 went to 3250 in a few hours. Only playing mercy.

In Short answer. YES!

Most of the supports are flexible and useful most of the time.

Here are some of the supports that will always be useful: Mercy, Ana, Zen and the left overs can be used, but some counter heroes make it hard to be played.

I think that list is missing brig

If you believe that you should be higher you should definitely play DPS. Solid DPS dominates until at least Diamond. I have no experience from higher.

I had to go tank main in Silver to get away from there. Since I found out that tank plays were terrible. Now I am facing similar situation in Platinum where I think there are too many DPS players who should be gold or are hard stuck Platinum like me. As a Rein main you notice the difference when you get 3000+ DPS in your team…ouh boy it is wonderful to play then :slight_smile: .

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It is easier to carry on dps, but it is easier to consistently climb on support.

Dps have the inherent ability to just completely outplay enemies due to the ‘limitless potential’ heroes like tracer and widow have. However that isn’t super realistic most of the time. Usually it is easier to climb by being consistently a valuable asset to the team so over a large enough sample size you win more games than you lose.

Support is great for climbing because after mastering the mechanics, there isn’t a ton of upkeep needed to play the role. You can just hop into a game and always perform decent.


Yes, just find a reliable tank or dps player to duo or three stack with so you’re less reliant on random dps players.

No it’s not. Brig is useless now after her nerfs.

Pretty sure she’s really heavily played still

Nerfs haven’t even gone live yet LOL what are you on about now?

I said she’s heavily played still, i never said anything about nerfs being live or not. You’re just making yourself look silly :slight_smile:

  1. I was referring to Brig being trash when the nerfs go live.
  2. You responded with she’s still heavily played.
  3. I responded back, “nerfs haven’t gone live yet.”
  4. You respond with “You’re just making yourself look silly.”

I know you are but what am I? :slight_smile:

lol jenkins, I really could care less what excuses you make.
Brig is a really good hero and she’ll remain that way either way.

It’s Leeroy to you. Also, not excuses. Again, here’s our entire exchange:

LOL @ this:

It’s like you don’t even read the forums and just blindly say whatever you wnt. H A V E. Y O U. H E A R D. O F. T H E. I N C O M I N G. B R I G. N E R F S?

Maybe if I space it out you’ll have an easier time reading before replying :slight_smile:

You can say whatever you want, she’ll be fine. “omg incoming brig nerf it’s the end of brig its the end of the world omg” If you say so lol.
Though you don’t really seem to know much of anything.

Oh ouch my feelings are so hurt by someone who doesn’t read Dev updates/comments and just says whatever’s on your mind right at that moment :slight_smile:

Oof, she’ll be fine.

Oof, we’ll see :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Depends on your play style.

I think it’s easy to climb on support. There is a logical reason why.

1: Every team composition needs a support (usually 2 and sometimes 3)
2: Which class do people like to play most? DPS. Therefore, you will rarely if ever have a shortage of DPS players.
3: If you take DPS instead, you potentially make one of the aforementioned players flex onto support or run triple DPS, neither of which are great.
4: If you are a good support you should be able to outplay the enemy team support. That means your team will survive longer and win more team fights.
5: You also have the ability to contribute to killing, not just healing, versatility that tank & dps roles do not have for the most part.

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