Are smurf accounts disrupting the curve?

They join deranking lobbies. They are literally everywhere. Stop posting this fallacy that smurfs get pushed to where they belong. They can literally six stack and throw as a group (and do regularly). They then post new lobbies looking for fellow “smurfs” to troll their new low SR games.

The people that do it are in these threads posting on their alts specializing in disinformation.

Tons of cheaters right now. Here and in black ops 4. Your widows are likely among them. You can see the prevalence of these cheats by going into any widow hs only lobby (they use them there with no fear, some of them are literally master and GM ranked with silver and gold borders, so they’ve been doing it for quite awhile undetected).

It is VERY easy to spot mechanical tracking if you know what to look for. Most of these cheats have an option for a flick shot. But if YOU know how to flick, it doesn’t look natural at all. even fast flicks have cross-hair travel time, they don’t teleport to the head. Real shooters also overshoot quite a bit and just hit the shot on the arc. These cheats stop on a dime, and only miss half their shots (to blend in).

The people that say they have played x amount of hours and have never seen any sort of cheat. They aren’t good enough to encounter them. They either can’t head shot themselves, or they aren’t good enough at a role to play with the DPS players that can click heads. So they never see them in their games.

Your diamond widows are very likely formerly hard stuck platinum hitscan players that couldn’t climb due to not hitting the bar for critical hit accuracy (and by proxy, damage). They now have unlimited access to a variety of cheats that grant this skill instantly. So they are climbing the ladder now.

There is indication that the walls are closing in for the devs of these particular methods and they know it, as these cheats are now being disseminated on their respective forums for free. Blizzard made a massive FPS noob mistake when they put in the red outline update. They literally handed them the keys.

There aren’t many scenarios where a developer would require the entire player base to reinstall the game. Kernel level access from an internal memory hook exploit, ranks pretty high up there on that list.

the second option of course.

In no way is nearly every widow at diamond and above a cheater. I’ve encountered an insane amount of wallhacks and aimbots in my days of play COD and OW, however it’s fairly easy for the trained eye to pick up on someone who’s cheating. I caught a bastion recently who did a one-frame flick to my head and locked on repeatedly, so I’m not saying there AREN’T hackers in the game. This is a skill game though, people are just good at it. It doesn’t help when the people that ARE good at it are abusing their skill to hurt players that aren’t as good and that won’t normally be matched with them.

Skill level doesn’t change with SR, you don’t suddenly become a plat player if you’re normally in GM and smurfing there. You’ll still play like a GM player and you’ll dominate people regardless. That’s the issue with smurfs. The issue with hackers is something else entirely.


more specifically, it messes with performance based SR which is based on “average performance” on a hero across all players at a given SR and this includes smurfs.

Personally I think there is some kind of effect. If I compare my stats from Season 1-2-3-4 to 11-12-13-14 there is a big difference. My aim % is better, I die way less, my k/d is higher, I use a mic to communicate ( started mic season 10 ), I’m more aware of what’s going on around me, I have a better idea what the enemy may be trying to do. Yet for some reason all this improvement and still I’m hard stuck in gold.
I have over 5000+ comp games between 2 accounts and 4500 are in gold. I can get around 2700 sometimes and quickly fall to gold. I can fall to 1800 and quickly climb to gold. Happened a lot in the early season, happens a little in the later seasons. I’m lucky if I can even get a Plat symbol now but stats much better

I know that it definitely upsets the matchmaking.

If a smurf account is in, say Gold, and is put up against actual Gold players but the Smurf belongs in GM, then that’s a problem. Especially if the smurf is playing like a GM player.

However the same problem happens when someone plays a hero they don’t know very well.

If a One-Trick (Doesn’t matter what) climbs to a high rank but then swaps to a hero they don’t know well they skew the matchmaking just as bad as a smurf.

its a huge problem with many aspects to consider. Lots of points made here such as not being able to perform with a particular hero as well as your main or a hero you’ve actually practiced with.

Its a problem that can’t easiliy be solved but the real problem arises when everyone or a significant amount of players do it. What do you think happens when you get two or more smurfs on one side of a match? You can’t even tell whether a particular smurf is there to troll or simply practice a new hero. As mentioned before, smurfs have “general” skills that are better than anyone elses in the lower tiers. So even if they are playing a new hero they still possess the skill, experience and strategic knowledge of their respective tier. \

I had one smurf, the fuken audacity to say that he was helping the community by being a smurf. Justifying that playing as a smurf was forcing other players to play at their best and that if you play with players better than you, it makes you a better player. That kind of training only works in a private community where players can criticize on your skill. Something you can’t do when you are playing randoms.

I just hope that reporting smurfs isn’t going unnoticed and that somehow they are getting categorized for the match maker to do its thing properly.


people are just scum, trying to justify their actions makes them more scum, not to mention they only say it to provoke you more

that’s like saying “bullying creates character”, really? well tell that to those that suffer in mass shootings, or that shooting that happened during the game comp during the ‘madden game final’. You think that guy wasn’t wound up? bullied? trolled alot in games/life?

smurfs are so obvious because of their rank and skill level, but they are even more noticeable when they deliberately bully you to the point they force you in spawn and spawn camp you. They treat it more like a deathmatch then a team based objective game, toxicity at its best


Wouldn’t it mess with SR gains and losses as well? Since it compares it of those to others who play the hero in your rank.

Yup. That is why off meta gets better SR…or even just tanks. As almost no smurf…smurfs on tanks (you get a more fair assessment compared to say Genji or Tracer.)

Yeah, now I hate smurfs even more.

Ive smurf a lot and most of the time there are no other smurfs (or they are as bad as me).

Low ranked players usually call smurf when someone is doing well. Thats a thing that happens!

No, if you are better than your rank you will win more than half

…Have you been living under a rock? Smurfing has been disrupting the ranking system for years now. Probably since about Season 3 onwards.

Smurfs on my team, smurfs on the other team. Doesn’t really affect anything.

Me and a friend play on a secondary account in gold/low plat and these are accounts we really do not care too much about, onetricking torb and sym or othet subotimal heros :smiley: But yeah i do not think we are a problem. We meet like 1 other player like us on avarage per match (second account and not tryhard)

it means that one guy could be GM while the other one could be Diamond. It could mean that one guy is a Genji/Tracer main while the other one mains Mercy. Guess whos gonna impact the match more.
It doesn’t cancel out, that’s nonsense.

I still try to understand how those people manage to have smurfs every game when I never or really rarely get one. And when I do, it’s exactly the same thing.