Are headshots really necessary for hitscan? šŸ’¢

Since youā€™re so far off topic and wonā€™t even try to talk about the main subject, iā€™ll just conclude that youā€™re trolling.

Please donā€™t reply unless itā€™s about the topic at hand, or something constructive involving the topic at hand.

Oh i was, i was trying to get a source from you, that proved your statement that he wasnĀ“t a shield breaker and tank buster ?

Since i have mine, but you are currently either lying or refusing to provide evidence to the opposite, then you went off topic to feel the need to say you would report me.


One of the main things to why I think he should stay worse than average is that he is really unfun to play against. Similar to Sombra, Mei, Doomfist, Reaper and etc

This is something that a lot of players need to think about a little differently.

Nothing is ā€œfunā€ to lose against. And yes, you will lose sometimes.

The fun, comes when you figure out new ways to beat that thing.

In my opinion, itā€™s less fun to simply run up to a Bastion and think ā€œWhich hero am i playing? Which button deletes this thing again?ā€

Heroes like Sombra and Mei make the game for the whole enemy team a nightmare, they outright stop enemies in their tracks and makes them unable to use abilities. Is that fun? Nope.

Same when the enemy goes Bastion Pirateship on payload or Bunker on Defence with Bastion, its completely braindead tactic

On the other hand if I play against heroes such as Ashe, Soldier, Ana, Baptiste, Lucio, Winston, Hammond and etc I know that these heroes take skill and donā€™t have any unfair abilities that just easily wins them a fight.

From what I read, this thread is closed and only escalating.

Hope it gets closed before it goes more out of hand.

Hey the point has been proven wrong, what more is there but closing the thread :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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From the one misogynistic guy? Nahā€¦
(Heā€™s a known troll btw Literally do not respond to him. i did for the laughs.)
The point was still made.
Bastion being an exception from dealing headshot damage, is holding him back in higher level play.

Thats a bold statement coming from someone lying.

With nearing 17k posts like these it isnĀ“t no wonder how short it took people to stop interacting with you here, btw Gsync already liked many of my posts against you :slight_smile:


they are not necessary but you should generally score a good amount of them each game since they put extra pressure on enemy healers and also often increase drastically the chances of you actually getting a kill.

Good aim and crosshair placement is something you learn with time, also everyone has bad games, keep practicing and youā€™ll get there, the best tips I can give you on hitscan are:

a) donā€™t stress over having bad aim for 1-2 minutes happens to everyone

b) have confidence but be also smart. You shouldnā€™t always go for the hero duel, especially on defense itā€™s generally better to play safer angles where you have the advantage in 1v1s vs enemy hitscans. But you should also know when to take a duel and when you do, DONā€™T PANIC. Focus on your aim and donā€™t panic when you hear the sound cue that indicates youā€™re low HP. As long as you have some HP left you have some chances to win the duel so donā€™t panic because that will mess your aim hard at high level.

c) if everything else fails and you see youā€™re not having impact, just swap. Every game is different, the enemy Widow winning 1v1s does not necessarily mean sheā€™s better than you. Maybe she has more space, maybe sheā€™s better. Accept it, everyone has games where they pop off.

Also particularly in hitscan vs hitscan, movement plays a HUGE role. You should learn to strafe properly, crouch when needed and position in particularly good spots. Applies to Widow especially but to other hitscans as well.

The better a hitscan you are, the more aware you become also of WHY youā€™re not fragging. Just remember to focus on yourself particularly in soloqueue, even as McCree you should expect minimal amount of heals and not permapocket so play around that and donā€™t flame your team especially as DPS player it makes people tilt a lot due to the stigma DPS players have. Some games will be unwinnable even if you aim and play perfectly. Accept that and if one game tilted you, seriously take a break particularly as hitscan being on tilt makes you play very differently, you typically start being aggressive for no reason, desperate for that last hit and end up feeding.

Ad hominem. One can straight up lie about one thing and still be dead-on about another thing.
Pretty basic stuff hereā€¦

Except if you have been proven to lie multiple times, the chances of another assertion againts that person being another lie is very high, so no that isnĀ“t an ad hominem my friend.

Also maybe you should read up on, what an ad hominem is, cause lying isnĀ“t a something that defines your character.

Same reason why Head shots arenā€™t allowed on beams. Imagine Zarya having Head shots.

they are absolutely necessary because tanks exist, and heros like genji and tracer exist, with hyper mobility and huge health pools, you need headshots to be able to level the playing field

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Well, apparently not if you play a disliked hero. :woman_shrugging:

most people who play ow and want things like snipers to not one shot, and dps in general to not be strong while tanks are allowed to be as strong as they are, and supports have things like IF and REZ are people playing their first shooter ever. They want a first person moba

None of that matters if you choose to enjoy playing Bastion.

You should just magic your way through enemies by that point.

Level the playing field? Pffff. More like laser your enemies instantly! Ya know, with his super obviously meta and powerful damage.

Thatā€™s why we see him played in GM so much.

bastion is in need of love so bad, its so sad to see him in the state hes in

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I found some bunker comps (double shield, bastion, baptiste, mercy) when I was climbing my old account from bronze (as tank). Iā€™m sure that even gold players would have found it difficult due to the average lack of cooperation.

Bastion in higher ranks is too stationary. The moment he tries to reposition, heā€™s already dead. Only on payload heā€™s worth a try.

Here, i would love some feedback on my proposed changes. and a nice chat for once in a long whileā€¦

[New year, new Bastion. šŸ¤–]