Are headshots really necessary for hitscan? 💢

Ohh so that is your assumption of what he is ?

So again actual Source ?

Hmm, idk… the fact that he’s not designed simply to counter shields, and this has never been stated anywhere.

I ask for your source, please?

In fact, SYM Counters shields better than he does.

Barrier busters tend not to crit, think Junkrat.

Hanzo does, and he’s opaf.

Never mentioned damage numbers, i said 300 ammo and fire ratio :thinking:
Also I dont know what you mean with “all of these”, theres no rework, project, prototype or anything in this thread?

What are you referring to?


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Oh, damn. i forgot to link it. Well aren’t i smart.

[New year, new Bastion. 🤖]

There you go~

Oh, and quite simply when i stated:

No matter the damage numbers involved since that is up for debate and change in the future

This means “No matter the damage involved, since that can be changed”

Thank you.
Finally someone gets it.

Neither Hanzo nor Junkrat have hitscan weapons, nor have to be looking at the barrier in full view to destroy it.

Makes ya think…

hmm thats an interesting idea, how come, her 1/3rd shield kill time i assume ?

I never corrected someone saying “What he does”, but his damage output is inaccurate not supposed to kill targets at long ranges and generally bulky designs, cause of spread, he has insane damage values, meaning he was meant to be dealing with other game aspects than flankers and snipers.

If this is true, i should stop playing this game… because the hero will never be allowed to be balanced for higher ranks, so there’s no reason to keep playing.

Pfft, why do people think Symm counters shields? Maybe if she’s constantly behind her own shield with no pressure at all, then sure she can be better at it than Bastion

You keep telling yourself that

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But since i do have sources here you go from the rework of bastion back in the day

Developer Comments: The goal of these changes is to move some of Bastion’s power from Configuration: Sentry to Recon, while keeping its sentry mode a strong option, especially versus tanks and barriers. Overall, Bastion should feel stronger and more flexible with these changes.

So you are wrong, get over it.

Because she’s a smaller target than Bastion, and gains energy and even ammo while firing at a shield.

And with shields nerfed she melts them very very quickly nowadays.

Ah yes, the rework that was immediately nerfed into the ground.

So what you’re saying is that the Devs, are also wrong.

Symm doesn´t come close to being fast at breaking shields, in fact most heroes in the game do it faster than her.

Bastion still melts them faster and from farther range

Symmetra is not a shield breaker, she has numerous qualities that are contrary to that idea with only one quality that lines up

Another point, so why play Bastion to break shields when most heroes can do it faster than sym.

And are you ignoring the fact that your sources were proven wrong by… themselves? Shortly after they made those changes?

Hanzo basically does have to see to hit
Hitscan or not doesn’t really matter, the point is more whether or not Bastion’s natural dps is too high for him to be allowed to raise it further.

Junkrat just shreds anything big enough for him to hit reliably, barrier or hero. Turret form works under the same premise, that’s the logic behind him not having crits.

Which is something that could be tweaked during a rework.

The point still stands that he needs to be more powerful than he currently is, to have any chance in high ranks.

Where ? I see no Source again, also that has nothing to do, with what he was intended to do, which they stated there.

Also “Symm is bad at damge” you: “Why play bastion when most break faster than symm”, wth is this boggus you trying ?

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