Are devs too proud to admit blatant mistakes?

No, they don’t really ever admit fault. they also refuse to make healthy changes for their game. They have a forward or sideways philosophy on balance. That’s so dumb because “balance” is based on a scale of give and take.

No one said this. The community deserves a lot of blame too. Sadly, there are so many flaws in OW’s infrastructure that outright encourage the community to be worse. Is that really on the community or Blizzard?

Aren’t all the tweaks, buffs, nerfs, etc. that follow kind of an admission of mistake, and an attempt to fix a mistake?

Just because it isn’t what you want doesn’t mean it isn’t what it is. You don’t dictate squat, yo

This is the era of Trump, we don’t need to apologize for our mistakes, or admit we even make mistakes. :sweat_smile:

Here’s a great example of how backwards this balance philosophy is. Rein’s fire strike is too weak after nerfing its damage. Instead of reverting it (the logical thing to do) they opt to reduce the cool down on charge. It’s a stupid way to avoid admitting poor decision making.

At this point it’s a waiting game for the entire OW dev team to get replaced. At least maybe Overwatch 2.0 might be good. It worked out pretty good for Heroes of the Storm.


i think reverting something that they changed to fix something just brings you back to the first problem that started it all to begin with

talk about backwards philosophy


Biggest joke of all time…

There was well-deserved backlash because they’d always claim our feedback matters, but they still pushed Mercy’s overpowered rework to live anyway. “Hide and rez” was only a problem for bad players. They could have tried smarter things, and maybe actually read our feedback.

It’s not a success, at all.


There’s a lot of middle ground in between in most cases. The really sad part is that they often push live pointless or non impactful nerfs. They don’t seem to have any sort of balance roadmap in place. They can completely destroy viable heroes from one patch to the next. Even worse they’ll push live a broken and outright OP hero/meta without any forethought.

Mate did you remember how “Doomfist release was a success” he was the most UNPLAYABLE hero ever for MONTHS talk about being delusional

They say that before or after they nerfed his hitbox?

Which is one of the real problems for any one who takes the game semi seriously. I mean I don’t, I mostly play arcade and suck around at Bronze. But still the idea, the dream of practicing and getting better at the game.

Learning all the ins and out of a character, a map etc to improve yourself and earn that higher rank is kind of meaningless when a character can be swapped and broken from one patch to the next. They can make your Hero brokenly OP, they can make them useless or they can rework it into an entirely new character that makes all previous skill and time invested in the hero pointless.

Never mind that half the changes are not explained or detailed. That most patches don’t get any patch notes and the ones we do get exclude a lot of info. You always have to go to out side sources to just figure out how much dmg your attacks do, or how long abilities last.

To play Overwatch these days you have to constantly keep up with all the drip fed information because the last thing you want to do is just play the game. As it tends to tell you nothing about what is actually going on.


I think it was after 4 months he got released

Players quitting the game is natural. This game will never be as expansive as WOW.
People are quitting other popular games like LOL. The devs make faults but this entitled community who thinks they know what’s best for the game is definitely a hindrance.

i know english is my second problems but where did i say the community is causing ALL the problems.

see, the difference between you and the person underneath. he is view is more objective but yours subjective. the majority of people in this game have such a subjective view that it impacts on the balance.
sadly as of recent those views impact on ow negatively.

i am not going to touch that topic as many who quit this game find that the skill lvl of this game has been lowered or the game was simplified to accommodate a different spectrum of players.

they did in the situation of Ana, dva and roadhog story line. dva having a bug and she needed to be removed from comp. mei snowball event. bastion fiasco.

no balance is not about give and take you mistake it for fun. if a character is too strong and you take something away you cant suddenly give something in return.

see you got wrong. i mean in terms of balance. people forget to the large part blizzard is basing their decision also on the community’s perception.

lets look at tracer and her being OP. people had the perception that she was too strong in every SR range. however the truth was that she was most effective starting from masters.

anything from diamond below she had best was the 5 to 7 best dps. added with smurfs to those stats. yet that perception was otherwise and she got a nerf added with hard counter with her in mind.

I read the article.

It rightly critizises:
the hide n rez players
the one tricks and the problem of Mercy’s mechanical skill not being very transferrable
The a lack of E abilty leading to not enough utility

But it doesn’t aknowlege the rest of the Mercy playerbase that preferred to tempo rez. And it acts as though taking rez off Q is the only solution, when there are much more efficient fixes that don’t mess with the core of Mercy.

They could have added cast restrictions on rez and fixed her SR gains to make hide n rez go away. They could have given Mercy a mechanically skilled utility on E, and a faster weapons swap time to adress the rest of the problems.


Your post is blatantly not true, OP.

Admitting a mistake and fixing them are two different things. They were long overdue for an explanation in all those cases but purposely didn’t address them because they didn’t have a fix…

What are you trying to say? This doesn’t make sense.

Yes characters should be fun but ultimately they need to be balanced to fit into the game. Balance is found by adding and subtracting via a scale. Taking into all the different elements in a hero’s kit and finding an equal distribution in their skill set.

True. The problem is that often times Blizzard doesn’t listen to the community or takes a vocal minority as the opinion for everyone.

Another problem is that Blizzard isn’t transparent about what direction they want the game to go. The patch notes leave us guessing just what they’re trying to do. We literally have no clue what’s a buff/nerf or bug every time the PTR gets updated.

Blizzard has shown they have no clue what their long term balance goals are. They refuse to share data and wont implement new features to help the player base improve.

Without any idea on what they want for the game of course they’ll be vulnerable to stupid ideas and ravings of the community.

You’re right. The problem with that at the time was the most prominent mercy players in high level game play got there from mass ressing. Hide and Res was so common with the SR exploit that tempo ressing was virtually unheard of. In pro play the article acknowledges that was how it was best utilized, but in ladder that’s just not how it panned out, and it wasn’t worth running in the pro scene.

I agree there were clearly ways to balance mass res and have it work in a way that promotes tempo ressing. With that being said, hindsight is 20/20. At the time those things just weren’t apparent. Now with all the time and money invested in the rework, it is what it is.

From my personal experience, I preferred tempo rezzing. So did my friends who played Mercy. Because of that, I never got above low-plat until after Mercy’s rework… but that was okay, since I was having fun.

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I just gotta feel for those rein mains, poor things.

The community is…