Are Ana mains demanding more Buffs getting greedy?

She has one of the worst pickrates/winrates and it only marginally increases as you reach higher ranks. I’m not being hostile as I’m being honest about ignorant posts that jump on something with no basis to back it up. Perhaps if he played Ana frequently in competitive and wasn’t in low gold, I would take his words with more respect. But the way he’s put forward his proposition only irritates me considering how uninformed and objectively wrong he is. It’s disrespectful to Ana players who have been begging for an update for almost two years.


Troll much? If that’s the case then why the several buffs back to back. Secondly I even a advocated for Ana before this post to help a fellow healers suggested self nano buff before or heal through shields.

“Your post is disrespectful and ignorant”

Coming from a person who makes stuff up and scapegoat others with slander as if single post stops dev development. Nah your greed blinds you and your being unreasonable.

Ana’s pickrate is not to do with her being bad. It’s that she’s far more difficult to get the use out of than other supports and has a much higher skill floor. The skill floor is probably what causes the winrate as most people haven’t practiced Ana enough to be really good as her.

Tbqh I find Mercy’s healing is so much easier to be effective with and doesn’t have a reload time or require aim … that I’d even say that Mercy’s healing is better than Ana’s in most situations outside burst tank healing.

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You’re saying I’m trolling when you made this thread and ignored the latter half of my post. The part where I decimated your ignorant argument.

I didn’t make anything up. Ana has had no update for almost two years while Mercy has been meta for almost every competitive season. She has one of the lowest pickrate/winrate across all ranks check Overbuff. She gets two small updates after almost two years which do very little to balance her many overbearing weaknesses. How on earth is asking for a bit more greedy?


Because what we got is not what we wanted. Yes it’s nice to shoot through fully healed allies but it didn’t happen than often that someone blocked that shot. In my opinion and i am a full on Ana main what we need is:

  1. Nades do not stop at fully healed teammates especially when they’re behind us. A lot of times i want to throw an offensive nade but someone jumps in front of me and it breaks.
  2. Being able to change the color of health bar. I like the new change but i cannot see who is fully healed and who is not because the white health bar is invisible on every map.
    At the end i’d like to add that maybe you shouldn’t talk about other heroes that you have not played. Yes i checked, you have 3 min on Ana.

She is not the worst healer in game. She is the hardest to master. Same as widowmaker. Only good if you know how to play her.

Yes. Ana is extremely strong in the right hands and she does what she does better than any of the other supports. She’ll never be viable in every comp, but no support is. Mercy is probably closest, but that’s more about what comps people most commonly run than her actual kit.

You realize that not everyone who asks for buffs play on the same platform right?

Some of these Ana-Mains that are being “greedy” play on Console where she’s been THE worst hero in the game for a long time now…even when she was meta on PC.

This is how strong Ana is on Console (PS4) Grandmasters.

Symmetra is a more viable pick than Ana.

I don’t understand people getting mad at people who mainly play the lower-end heroes that desire more buffs.

I mean, I’ve been seeing people getting angry at Sombra players just because they’re dissatisfied with the state of their hero…with good reason!

There are even some people who make posts that want her to remain in her weak state!

People…it’s not unreasonable to ask for changes when you notice that something has been failing!


Nah I just debunked your slander caught with foot in your mouth. You have the hypocrisy talk about being disrespectful or being ignorant. Stop trolling. Using circular logic deflective responses out of anger doesn’t help. You false claim post like mine stunted Ana’s development or just anti-ani Then prove it. Because there’s also post that I advocated Ana to receive a heal buff, or self nano. Those positive changes happen to be applied back to back to Ani along with other several buffs. That’s fact. It’s when people like you make stuff up and to demand more, that I feel it’s it starts to get greedy and unreasonable.

Please keep in mind there’s 20 other characters to balance not just Ana. So they do have a schedule and new maps, skin, lore, characters to introduce. Yet you think this thread is very source of the delays? That’s pretty delusional and unfair. I’m flattered you think I have that much clout. It’s just an open discussion, you are welcome to disagree, but please don’t make stuff up.

The thing with mercy is that she’s consistant. No matter who playes her she will always heal good and most likely not die because of her mobility. Simply she’s just the safest pick.

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Have you attempted to play Ana in the current meta? Amplify your Zenyattas Transcendence so that your team can survive a Gravitonstrike. Deny THEIR Zenyattas Transcendence. Amplify your Hanzos Dragonstrike with Nano Boost.

Yeah, that’s true, too. I just meant that Mercy is Mercy and Ana is Ana. One isn’t better than the other because they have completely different pros and cons for different situations.

That’s a Console player my man, the meta might be similar but it’s nowhere near as firm as it is on PC.

Playing Ana on Console is akin to “soft-throwing” the game.

Well no, simply put Ana is not good for this meta unless you are good with her. And i mean good ( like me :3 ). Most people run Mercy Zen this meta. YEah it’s nice to have that nano and nade but safer to play Mercy with rez.

Call it what you want but the basis of what your claiming is something I’ve already dismantled. You choosing to leave excerpts of my posts out of your replies confirm this.

Threads like this would logically make the balancing team think twice about updating certain heroes. Yes there are 20 other heroes but Ana has not been updated for almost two years. These small changes they’ve given her is not going to make her magically viable. Instead of circumventing around my points, tell me again why you think these buffs are enough and why you think she is viable now. Also why your post should be taken with credibility when you’re low gold and don’t play Ana in competitive?


Look at the pick rate though…

That’s kind of sad considering that this really should be Ana’s meta.

I don’t know about that…not on our platform.

Mercy has been the #1 hero for many seasons now and Ana has been more or less awful.

Ana doesn’t have enough pros that warrant picking her over a more reliable Support.

Who’s pickrate? Ana’s or Symmetra’s?

No. I’d rather have the other supports nerfed. Power creep is a real problem among the supports.

Thanks for agreeing me and clearing up the earlier contradiction you made previously. That a single discussion thread such as this didn’t stall the development of Ana which is pretty silly. 20 characters other than Ana can be just as fun or important. Though you don’t want to coincide I made previous post that were pro-ana and suggestions that happen to be applied or that blizzard did put a considerable amount of buffs to Ana already. It’s step in the right direction. So thank you.