Are Ana mains demanding more Buffs getting greedy?

It’s not really a factor of people telling me to switch honestly. That doesn’t bother me too much. It’s just the fact that I’ve been forced to play Mercy for the past 6 months and you are basically telling me to wait more “x” amount of time before I should consider playing Ana.

I used to hate Mercy, but now she really has grown on me. Mercy is now one of my favorite heroes. Mercy is an amazing support, too amazing arguably. I’ll put it this way I love all the healers in this game but I and many other support players have been forced to play only Mercy and Zen (and Brigitte lol).

Look at OWL, the best Ana player in the world Ryujehong is playing Zen and Tobi the best Lucio player in the world is playing Mercy. This is because these players know Zen and Mercy gives you the highest chance of winning. When the best players in the world don’t consider Ana, why should I?


I think blizz should nerf mercy and brig a bit more and slightly buff ana (give her something that requires as much skill as the rest of her kit) instead of just making her blatantly OP. There is enough support power creep already and ana is just a victim of it.

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That’s the truth of it. Ana isn’t unplayable, she is just noticeably worse than Mercy in almost every scenario.

Obviously false and a strawman about that single thread can stall Ana development when she become top pick with many updates. The buffs did have a huge impact.

10/2/2018 This month 9.83% Ana #2 highest pick overall in Comps
10/2/2018 This month 28.11% Ana #1 highest pick overall in Support

It’s just blatant lie and shaming tactic to silence any constructive criticism. We know for fact did receive recent buffs back to back.

Jeff confirms Ana rifle damage buff Back in Oct/Nov 2017
"Yes. We’re increasing her damage.(70)
We’ve been testing it internally for a while. Last night, we threw our competitive group at it (Masters/GM level players) and they really liked it also. So it will probably make the PTR soon.

"Continuing the discussion from [Overwatch PTR Patch Notes – May 3,

It doesn’t matter if these facts or updated are written on napkin or from a Mercy/Ani/Junkrat/Doomfist main. Facts are facts. No amount of prejudice can change those updated existed, JuicyBrucie, and Momoking lied. I find it hypocritical they talk about ignorance or being disrespectful, yet they are the one omitting facts and talk down on Mercy players, who happen to know about Ana updated than they do. Dev put a lot of hard work and thought into those positive changes to Ana, give credit where it’s due.