April fools idea

made one in the old forums too so im gonna post it here too because why not
all potgs are replaced with jeff doing random stuff in the blizzard HQ
from eating salted cookies to screaming i need healing
as someone else suggested in the same thread
the first few seconds should be a normal highlight intro then it gets sombra style hacked by jeff blowing you a kiss
then the random jeff potg plays


i hopew they add new funny april fools joke next year lol

It should be something like April fools jokes in spawn rooms. Like if you step on a pressure plate in the spawn, you get launched across it

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April fools: they fix Brigitte & Doomfist so the game actually becomes fun and they stop giving so much attention to the OWL.
Haha, now that would be a good one.

haha yea. they gamje so broken. they make mercy worse too! :(((

Correct. That is the point of a nerf.

shje was okay tho! her heal was okay but they made her worse. they need buff ana becasue her heal so week right now.

On the contrary, she was a must pick. It was generally accepted that there was little reason to run any other support, excluding Zenyatta and Brig in some circumstances.

Buffing supports to 60HPS mercy’s standard would be power creep. You don’t want power creep in games, much less healing power creep.

They decide to have only torb for the day with the Disney swedish chef air the muppet cast playing overwatch.

Why has this post come alive in August?

Did we even got an April fool this year?


for april fools say your gonna add something to the game that will piss your entire user base off, then instead of saying it was a joke actually add it to the game

they should give us no cooldown like urf mode onn league or a battle royale like fortnite.