April 2022 ready?

Yeah It was massive for the whole season tho.

Whenever OWL went on OW went from Top 10 on Twitch to Usually Top 3 competing with Fortnite and League of Legends

With the fact sponsors are leaving the league faster than they can be replaced the league may not exist for much longer. Which could possible be a good thing for the game. It would bring back smaller tournaments for more players to be in.

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Yeah but since it will be OW2 and everyone wants to see it will make up for it. Also I think JBL and Adobe are going to be new sponsors

If anything they would probably do a May 2022 release, with full PVP but with unfinished portions of the PVE.

It’s a Blizzard game so expect a 3 month+ beta.

Let’s hope they get some new sponsors, right now they have coke and teamspeak and that is it.

They’ll get 2 more I know that + it will be on OW2 so it will be more than enough for the beginning but how long can it sustain

I don’t see a big release amidst OWL but who knows.

Actually maybe they do an April closed beta, May 2022 Open Beta, then more like a July release.

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idk i think they may make her more shooty though if they do make the staff offensive i will be a bit disapointed because it probably would not be as satisfying as the pew pew gun

I love the pew pew gun…

Stay mad. You’d say they rushed even if it was late 2023 and 2024 was the release date. Some of you guys are morons sometimes.

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I’m fine with them releasing prematurely with atrocious balance than releasing in 2 years with equally atrocious balance. Those are likely the options we’re looking at here.

You people are never satisfied. Game is delayed complain, game is early
Complain it really never ends

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I mean, blizzard was like “play more tanks, we give you lootbox or priority pass for dps q”
I dont think they did much better for the game in regard of why to pick tank :man_shrugging:

People just don’t enjoy being tanks. It’s like that in every game with roles, tank is always the least popular. Multiple times over the years tanks have been stupid strong, but people don’t wanna play them. Off tanks people will play way more often. Guess that’s why they wanna make them more brawly come ow2.

I can say just that i enjoyed playing tanks in overwatch to some point in balance around goats directed changes, and it stayed off to me to this day.
And i didnt played off tank either.

Well, I meant majority of people. Not everyone. As some people clearly do enjoy main tanks. Even if it’s a small portion of the player base.

Welp, i simply think devs made this small tank playerbase even smaller with what they done to this game.
Only reason why its still playable probably is thanks to priority pass farming players.


I don’t think you’d need the game to be rushed for this to be the case. Take Symmetra for example.

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You’re the one who got mad champ.

Also this topic is clearly about the hero kits for pvp and how ready the roster will be. I’m not an impatient blizz shill, I don’t actually care when OW2 releases. My concern is that the exact same hero design team are in charge of OW2 heroes and reworks. 5 years of OW1 and only 2 reworks out of many were actually successful: Hog and Torbjorn. ALL other hero reworks were major screw ups. All the new heroes added to the game had massive flaws, too.