"Applying Update" Highlight Bug

Same issue here! PC, EU. Both for highlights and replays.

Adding to the list. Same problem here in US

Same here, both replay and highlights are bugged

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nevermind… my highlight already got deleted… thank you Blizz for the response

Hey there, today we deactivated a hotfix due to a rare issue that could cause a client crash. Even though the amount of crashes was very small, the hotfix was only addressing a minor issue, and we felt stability is more important.

Unfortunately when we removed the hotfix we found an issue where replays captured with the hotfix applied did not correctly continue to load that hotfix data. We’ve made an adjustment to work around this problem, and you should find things are working as expected once again.

Apologies for the issues, hotfixing capabilities allow us to make changes quicker, but we’re still working on getting the tech that powers hotfixing super solid.

Hope everyone is having a great week, cheers!


Thanks Bill appreciate it

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Its happening again.


I too am now experiencing this issue as of yesterday (3/1/2020)

still happening… 03/03/2020

Started getting this issue from yesterday 3/2/2020. Never had it before.

With regards to the official reply in this thread… Misdiagnosed. This still happens, (FREQUENTLY) and I’ve received multiple bans because I was reviewing plays while queuing. Please take this issue out of backlog and address this bug. I get the bean counters are in charge now but have some respect for the actual gamers. Further more, no one really gives a rats bum about the torrent of fixes each patch for emotes or skin abnormalities - focus on player experience. Honestly, my patience for the lack of attention and commitment to user experience is running thin. #wherehastheoldblizzardgone ???

I don’t queue and review these plays anymore for this reason exactly. I had to come back because I got two in a row. This feature is so buggy I’m going to stop using it. Congratulations

This is happening again. Just got suspended for the 2nd time this week for trying to relaunch the game after “applying update” page froze

suspended again, ridiculous

Everyone hits the applying bug now, fix this s*it.

I was suspended, beacause of the bug, Blizzard can u fix it?

Has happened to me for the last 4 times I have logged into Overwatch, I now have an 8 hour ban from competitive games…

Good news, the Applying Update bug has been addressed by a community manager. Link here: [Main Thread] Applying Update - #148 by Joynueer.

There are people that are posting within the last few hours that they’re still having the problem on the threat you posted. Also note that their “fix” wasn’t that at all… it was just devs telling us to launch a practice game before every competitive game… lol what a joke. Not to mention the negative SR / loss on the record for “leaving” to relaunch the game on top of suspensions. Such a joke.

Can I have my 1000 hours back on my profile? Thanks!