"Applying update" gets me banned multiple times

I don’t understand why while in a ranked queue I get an “applying update” alert that lasts for 20mins which leads me to technically abandon a match which then leaves me suspended. Thi has happened to me 3 times already and its getting SUPER annoying.


YES! ffs, it pisses me off that i loose a game bcuz of that…


I got banned for the whole season because of that. I’ve been playing this game for 6-7 years and never got banned before. Such a shame on this game.


Do yourselves a favor and uninstall.

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stop playing ranked, until the, bug , is, fixed. why do you ppl keep posting about this. just stop qing ranked and crying about getting banned,…

this is my first ever post here, literally here to find help for this… It has happened three times now… am I just losing rank for this?!

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finally, a helpful comment

Good news, the Applying Update bug has been addressed by a community manager. Link here: [Main Thread] Applying Update - #148 by Joynueer.