Anyone miss the old teleporter?

I mean I know the new version is much better in most circumstances, but being able to put down a super disposable teleporter every few seconds was just a lot of fun


Old teleporter as in 2.0, or 3.0 with limited time?

The version where it was a cooldown ability that only lasted for a limited time


The one that you could set up and send your whole team over a cliff?


You can technically do that now (this is not me condoning it!)


You’re right, I never even thought about it. I guess because it hasn’t happen to me since the earlier version. lol

Actually no, i prefer new teleporter more

But i miss sheild generator :persevere: :heart:
I know she will be op if they bring it back to her but i wish they add new support able to give his/her teammates sheilds. Maybe echo who knows :eyes:
But i wish that hero be the guy in sym comic

I miss when it didn’t place half off the edge of something.

To answer OP…sort of…

The increased range was nice…but I like the versatility it has now…

And just in case I will also add that I never liked shield gen…it made some places extremely hard to attack (given that it was a permanent ultimate - at least until someone managed to find it…but you could be clever with it)

They should make the Teleporter cooldown begin as soon as TP is placed, which would (mostly) allow for the old playstyle to be used well again.

But knowing Blizzard, they wouldn’t be able to buff an underperforming hero without compensation nerfing because logic.

I miss teleporter as an ult. It was very fun and had real 'wow 'factor. As opposed to her current boring wall. I miss the days I used to play her alot, I stoped playing her alogether following the rework as it removed everything I liked and horhing appeals to me now.

absolutely. that old tp was literally what made sym3.0 flexible and dynamic simply because of the cast frequency that actually promoted such gameplay.

it was an in and out of her effective range which she could use for 10s at a static location but can move it around every 12s and that put her on a similar level to other dps who either have long enough range to wasd into it or have more frequent mobility abilities than tp.

Whatever they do to improve sym without major reworks, old 3.0 tp (or something equivalent) MUST return.