Anyone kinda excited for the Experimental's getting created by Pros? [Blizzcon]

It really depends on which pros and streamers are involved. Some of them are pretty sharp and have some good ideas. Some of them are desperate to turn the game into CSGOverwatch. Some wouldn’t know what game balance was if it ran up and bit them.

Considering I’m expecting another “don’t you have phones” PR disaster, I suspect it will be a panel full of the last group.

I love SVB… and he’s right. If the Man-Child King OTOH is able to have input… yikes

Lord - what more do they want to do to her? Give her one turret and 5m beam?

For their own rank, maybe, for most people? I dont think so. As pros main experience with other ranks if when they smurf…

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Didn’t know this was happening, but yes, this is very exciting.

Counter point: They’re probably going to balance for the higher levels, which is something people already get upset about (saying blizz does this already).

But who knows, I’m definitely open to see what happens.

Nothing would change for 99% of the playerbase. Even during the peak of dive Rein/Zarya was the most popular tank duo in the vast majority of ranked. What affects the top tier of play rarely affects 99% of the playerbase, which is why top-down balancing works, even if you think it doesn’t.

Can’t wait for Rein, Ana, Lucio, Genji and Mccre buffs and Orisa, Sigma, Symm, Torb, Mei and Moira nerfs.

Only “high skill heroes” allowed.

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What? Can someone fill me in? What experimental created by pros?

Sigh… there is so much confusion about this. Yes, they predominately do… because of OWL. That’s it. OTOH, they do take balance changes into consideration on what effect they have on lower tiers… they have repeatedly stated this, I don’t know why some people think they don’t.

The Sombra history shows that the pros have no clue what they are talking about.


What even is the opinion of “most people” anyway?

This forum doesn’t represent “most people” any better than the pro/streamers.

Oh boy, I can’t wait for already weak heroes like Sym to be hard-nerfed while already balanced heroes like Ana to be buffed into the stratosphere. I don’t trust the pros to be unbiased in what they want and chances are it’s just going to push “unfun” heroes into the dumpster while the “fun” ones get to be OP.

It’s going to be a complete trainwreck for anyone who doesn’t main one of the “golden” heroes like Rein, Widow, Tracer, Ana, etc. I would be extremely surprised if it wasn’t.


I better see some genji buffs that dont make him broken :eyes:


IDGAF about pros and nobody who plays on ladder should care about them, either.

I mean, what is a videogame? It is first and foremost entertainment. A past time. Something you do for fun and pleasure. It will be always like this for 99,9% of people. Saying someone is a “pro” gamer is even paradoxal in this sense. It is like saying someone is a professional ice cream eater or professional movie watcher. You take away the fun, the personal pleasure which is supposed to be the essence, the whole point of the activity, and transforms it into a “profession”. Just another gray business.

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Not me.

well I hope that these are smart and there the pros that know what their talking about
Most pros do
what I mean is that they do smart stuff and does what blizzard does similarly: Balance for GM but keep other ranks in mind

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I think actually this forum does better job at representing other ranks, than pros. As there are people here from ranks that have way more players, compared to the pro scene that is way smaller than normal game.


XQC would be a bad plan™

I mean, the Blizzard team do it all the time.


He still plays the game?

Yep, he throws his toys out every few weeks, and then keeps playing.