Indeed, I was attempting to draw the allusion indirectly with my remark about the real world and dark places.
Oh dear, you are so full of yourself.
Your statement was naive. Somebody of your declared age should know better. What’s dehumanizing in pointing out how a group of individuals functions? If you are unable to draw the line between people and analogy that describes them - that says more about you than the person making analogy.
Edit: nevermind. This is one of those “talking to the wall” cases.
You’re uncomfortable with the truth behind the ‘bees’ statement. You don’t like being shown the implications of this line of thought. Again, good. Deflect for your friends here, try to cast me as the enemy, berate me, slander my character some more – it is a fool’s errand. In the end, you’ll think about this conversation, and you know I was right. You know I was speaking the truth. Maybe it will change you for the better. Maybe your heart is too hardened. It is what it is.
Another statement to consider: the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
That’s probably the tactic. The loudest voices are usually the ones placated first. We see it with people that play any character.
Pretty much what we’ve seen from any fanbase with a significant amount of players. (Consider DVa and Roadhog-- even Ana, to an extent. I fought very hard for her balance.)
Mercy’s is just so long-lived because of the fact that we’re 11 nerfs about a year in and they haven’t touched rez-- which his the heart of her issue.
(I’d just prefer they remove it at this point and give her an interactive new E)
It is almost as if incremental changes should have been made to vanilla Mercy instead of taking a sledgehammer to the character and remaking her into something that no one has found satisfactory as of yet, regardless of what side of the argument they fall on.
This would make more sense if the same wheel wouldn’t at the same time believe and complain that nobody listens. Question is - what’s the point then?
I thought that was just presidential campaigning?
I agree. I remember some crazy conspiracy theory around 3 months in saying this was just to wean us off of rez. Still don’t think that’s the case, but it’s certainly the effect that has been had on me.
The point is protest, I guess. Do not go gentle into that good night, etc.
Protest can change things and convince people. I don’t actively campaign myself, but I pop in to agree on removing rez when I see it mentioned.
I asked a friend about what drew her to Mercy and was interested in the answer-- and open it to others (as this being only one person it’s not even a sample size):
I decided to buy OW because it was the first shooter that seemed inclusive of female players and it seemed like she was tailored to me. Allows me to play with friends and be apart of a team, not just a casual counterpart.
I have picked up a few other heroes, but, for the most part are female-- lore/story/kit drew me to play them.
Those were her (paraphrased) words-- to all the other women gamers— is this in line with what drew you to Overwatch or a specific hero?
It’s why I wince a bit every time they mention remaking a hero. Look at Symmetra. On paper it sounds great – an anti-barrier DPS hero. In practice, she spends most of her time lobbing turrets into the enemy backfield. That’s not to say that she’s entirely horrible, no hero is completely horrible – even new Mercy. Sym’s new ult is very useful, but the rest of her kit is pretty weak.
Oh, oh! I can respond to this–
No. Mercy was not the first or the second hero that I ‘mained.’ I started on Tracer, and gradually drifted to Ana. When she was nerfed, Mercy was the best choice for main heals. So-- I played Mercy. She ended up being the only hero I played on Console for a very, very long time.
The time I have on Mercy on PC was me feeling clumsy and not being good at PC. I didn’t feel confident. Mercy was a safety net. I started to push myself and play Ana, and now I’m a lot more confident overall. I fill Mercy when needed.
My drive within the game is to actually play tank! I love getting in the enemy’s team face, pushing them back and saving my own team.
That being said-- I do recognize the state Mercy is in (and will continue to receive nerfs in) is unpleasant. I don’t like it. So I’ll speak just as avidly for Mercy as I did for Ana, and just as much so for ANY TANK THEY DARE TOUCH IN THE FUTURE. (Hands off Reinhardt, you scoundrels. Just fix his heckin ult and we’re Gucci)
I actually like new Symm-- but she still feels very niche. A lot of reworks have a problem of only going two ways: Jack of All Trades (Mercy/Hanzo) or Even more Niche (Sombra/Symmerta). While sometimes this philosophy makes sense-- it’s just… frustrating LOL
I can see where you’re coming from. It is probably very frustrating in the case of Symmetra, as her rework was supposed to bring her from a niche pick to being more commonly played and it didn’t do that.
Exactly. She is likable. That’s why she has such a huge playerbase.
All that “you just play her because she is OP” crap is not true for the most part.
For me (and most of the Mercy mains that have been around for a while) we played her in all her iterrations. Troll pick, balanced, OP… If something, we are tired of this neverending circus. We just want her FINALLY fixed. Instead, patch after patch, Devs are kicking into parts of her that do not cause the core problems.
And after several hundreds of hours on a characters, even as “only” players - you can pinpoint real problems from those made up.
Please, enlighten me on how that means nothing.
This is the problem. They say directly respond and say something and you guys say “OH THEY AREN’T LISTENING” while the devs are just sitting her face palming.
Not really. That’s just recent US campaigns.
This didn’t exist prior to 2000, atleast not as severe.
In an attempt to stay on topic, I’d still call it a mob. One that’s rejecting anything Developers are saying even if it’s a direct response. Instead of building constructive feedback, these Mercy spammers just continue to scream in the faces of those in charge like it will do something.
You could probably also draw parallels to how dumb religion actually is and how dumb Mercy is.
Responding once to basically say “we’re not listening” =/= listening
Where did they even say “we’re not listening”? Where did they say that? Where is it implied? They literally directly responded to “Change mercy” with statistics (hard fact) and developer opinion on Mercy’s state of balance. How is this not listening?
Oddly enough, you seem to not be listening.