Anyone else miss old sym?

Oh sure.
I miss the old teleporter
I miss the shield generator
best Dorothy voice
But photon barrier, I miss you most of all!

But I def wouldnt go back. I’m diggin’ the kit now. :slight_smile:

I really really miss Shield Generator and Teleporter as her ultimates. You used to have 2 options to help your team and that was great. SG was great in some maps and TP was a game change ultimate if used correctly (saving it for the first dead team mate at the start of a team fight for example). I really don’t understand why they changed that. She only needed changes for her sentries and gun imo.

New sentries are great but she needs more than 3. Gun changes are fine for me but primary could have stayed the same, maybe doing less dmg and gaining some shields as you hold the trigger; but all of this keeping her old ultimates SG and TP and old little Photon Barrier (which was very handy for her and for her team in many situations).

However, I must admit I have fun placing my sentries and using my tp to flank enemies without them noticing… It always feels great and I’m great at it, but when it doesn’t work it feels awkard because of the way TP works, deploying too slow and if it’s gone Sym is not able to sustain herself most of the times.

Absolutely no. New sym is the best sym version. She actually takes skill now.

Old Sym?

I don’t know her.

No. I really dont. Except I don’t really like new sym ult.

I would actually argue that she took more skill before in her 2.0 iteration, than she does now.

  1. Her playstyle now is more simplistic than it’s ever been. Maybe this is why people think she’s better now than she was before, because the people who play her now, never gave her chance before, and her “new” fanbase are more of the Call of Duty fanbase type people. (Strategize? No thanks. Right?) Spam RMB orbs just like a junkrat dealing mostly just trash spam damage. Throw out sentries all the time, more trash and spam damage. When enemies get too close, primary fire them and keep them at range. Keep throwing out sentries. Use ultimate when its team fight time.

-In 2.0 iteration to be successful you had to be smart. Plan your defense and/or your attack. Plan ahead for what the enemy’s going to do, and setup traps to counter them, sometimes you had to lure them into doing what you wanted them to. Use sentries not as disposable trash damage sources but rather, webs to kill the unsuspecting fool, and create a strong point to take sanctuary in if need be. Her RMB orbs in previous iterations pierced barriers and did significant damage, and moved slowly. I loved them, I honestly thought they were perfect. This too required more strategy because you weren’t spamming orbs at moving targets so much as you were sending those fat balls down a choke point. If they enemy team wants to suck that 120 piercing damage then OK, but it would be hoo of them to get out of the way, most of the time. I do like her primary fire more now than it was before, and I do like throwing sentries as it is now because that’s a good QoL change that was needed. Her ultimate now just feels kind of lame. I prefer her shield generator she had before. That fixed so many issues in this game, like half the roster getting oneshotted, for example. I would much rather have her old Photon Barrier in 2.0 iteration than her current teleporter. Old photon barrier if you were skilled enough, you could block and counter DVA ults, Pharah ults, even Reinhardt ultimate, and snipers with it, not only saving yourself but your team as well-- and you could use it to push objectives on attack and supress an enemy’s assault while on defense.
If ever you’ve played Symmetra in previous iterations, and have setup a Shield Generator somewhere easily found and destroyed, yet out of the way, just to distract a flanker like Tracer or Hanzo or Genji, just to take that enemy hero out of the game for 30 seconds, so your team would then be able to take an objective or hold one to win a game, knows what I’m talking about.

TL;DR - Symmetra 2.0 was way more skill-intensive than 3.0 version is. I’m tired of hearing this stupid lie “she requires skill now” you don’t know what you’re talking about when you say that. You know nothing. You’re propagating a lie.

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I think the only bad reworks is when they make them a new hero

im up for small reworks

for literally reworking almost every aspect of a hero or a lot yeah i hate that

The shield was definitely fun, but honestly my favorite part of the old Sym is her orbs. She literally had one of the only guns in the game that could disrupt choke hold positioning. They definitely need to add that back in probably another support so it’s low damage but can make choke barrier watch move around.

well yeah but so could be said for literally any other hero.

i dont enjoy playing against so many heroes and you dont see me saying “SHE NEEDS A REWORK REEEEE”

yet i still try to be objective of her balanc estate

I miss her 2.0 photon barrier and 6 turrets. That’s it.

The recent fix to the tick rate is INCREDIBLE, alongside the other beam buffs (length and charge time) make her primary beam finally usable!

she just needs her tp and turrets more fluent (faster deployment time and maybe shorter cool downs [maybe press E again to destroy an existing tp]) but besides that I really don’t want symm 2.0 to come back, with how much i loved 2.0 she was slow and situational.

I miss her lock on beam. I miss her shield generator… But most of all, I miss her shield.

What I don’t miss? An entire turret nest being destroyed by Winston in .2 seconds, or Dva spamming in their general direction and destroying them, or McCree flashbanging them all gone.

I just miss the added survivability that 2.0 had more than anything. Now, she’s just so darned squishy, and all it takes is a pounce from Winston and M1 + W to wreck you. Used to, I didn’t fear Winston. Now, I friggin’ hate him with a passion.

Those right click orbs did Winston/Orisa in. They thought they were safe behind their shields, and you could show them otherwise. Now? Yeah… Not so much…

I love the new turrets though. I love their deployment method, even though it is slow. I like the new Teleporter, I’d gladly trade it for the old one though. Especially since I find myself running back to the fight WAY more often than I used to.

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Lot’s of people miss old Sym, there’s at least three topics about it every day.

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Trust me, as a Doomfist main I’ve heard my fair share of people on these forums complaining. All I’m saying is that she’s in a better place now since she is more useful and has higher overall damage output.

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I miss my shield, I also miss her style of resource management . Her limit of turrets and timings is so static and I don’t feel like I’m maximizing my resources in my use of them. I feel less informed with three turrets because they can’t cover the map when I need them to. My awareness was cut and my resources are limited.
Plus her tp feels clunky so I don’t feel like it’s utility like before so much as a chore.
I don’t mind the changes ideas … I just wish they were executed fully and that the nerfs didn’t outweigh the rework. Her shield, her utility, and playstyle all changed and I don’t know why :unamused::unamused:

i dont miss autolock and dont want to see that garbage back

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Parts I do miss, parts I don’t miss.

I don’t miss having to baby sit my shield gen/ teleporter.

I do miss the throwable shield.

Oh hell yes, I miss everything about her. I LOVED her old playstyle, abilities, etc. and I was so upset when I heard about her rework.

prove it

she had less defense potentail and damage potential while having to aimed primary
she has defense potentail locked behind tp that requires positioning an timing, has a very stong aim based primary that melts, she has huge backfire potential and must be respected
she’s been improved in everyway, but people will complain about having to learn the game

Cool thing about overwatch is people can disagree all the things hat you seemed to find bothersome about old sym were more fun in my opinion new sym is kinda too easy to kill and save for the turrets being throwable shes just not as much a threat as old sym.