Anyone else having trash luck?

I’m having MANY Legendaries. Probably for now 8+. Only 2 event…

It’s an unluck in the luck <.<

I’ve got probably around 10 loot box. One legendarh and it was Valkyrie Mercy. No epics…
And I am going on holiday so i guess that’s it.

Probably opened nearly 10 boxes (8?). Every single one blue/grey, all voice lines and sprays. Awesome.

Opens a box


Coins, duplicated epic symmetra skin, non-event Bastion legendary skin.

I’m done.

Not a single skin from this year.

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:raised_hand:I am.
So far I’ve gotten on event skin, (Sombra) a non-event skin, (Oasis Moira) and a chest of credits.
Everything else has been blues and grays.

I have Banshee, Spider, and Slasher so far.

The only skin left that I really want is Enchanted for Pharah

Does it count if I am the king of being solo ult?

20 levels in and the only gold I’ve seen is currency

Same. I’ve got the Moira skin but that’s it. But for me, I mean, fair enough, I usually have ridiculous luck in the events, so it was only a matter of time before that came back to bite me lol

Got another 11 boxes, can confirm drop rates for legendaries are well below the 1:10 they usually are.

Obviously trying to make up for countries they can’t sell them to.

And I’m still not getting them lmao

I’ve opened around 20 lootboxes so far and only had 1 event legendary and it was from the first year of the event

I got three epics and two legendaries, none of which were Undead McCree or Slasher 76… :frowning: decent luck but at what cost?
A widow skin?
You think I can aim?!? Poppycock!