Anyone else get stuck in spectator instead of queue when join a custom match

I’ve joined many custom games and I keep finding myself getting put into spectator instead of the queue by default.

I’ve been told to re-join and it puts me in the queue a couple seconds and moves me to spectator (if I’m lucky), at first I was thinking it was the owner but it’s happened more than enough times to tell that it’s not the owners pulling a joke.

half the time I’ll be waiting for people to leave, so I can join and not realising that I’m in spectator and that the people who joined after I did get put into the match.

This issue isn’t just limited to the queue it happens when the game isn’t full as well, and it’s just frustrating

I’ve been told to.
rejoin, doesn’t work.
Wait till the queue isn’t full then rejoin, doesn’t work

restarting the game or waiting over 30 minutes is the only way I find that works, and it only happens to few custom matches and not all of them. and I only experience this issue a couple times a week, but it’s just annoying when I find a good custom match and can’t join it without looking bad asking the owner to put me in the match, cause of the issue that no one else seems to have. It just looks like I’m making it up to skip the queue and everyone else beats down telling me to wait my turn while i’ve waited the longest spectating.


Yo this happens to me too someone help

They won’t fix anything, not even this bug:


I literally can´t play at all, no charges on the queue, not even on training or normal games.