Anyone else excited for the scatter removal?

because it takes skill to jump and move to the left? or is it moving to the right that’s difficult? or staying behind the shield? or high ground? or at the very least decent positioning and game sense…


I rest my case :point_up_2:

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and i rest my case. you have no argument other than your feelings. just like your baseless accusations last time.

and a lot of skill

widow is fine, hanzo is not

Numbers son. NUMBERS. Go read them and learn about balance.

numbers say use a shield.

the argument of “not being out of position” or “just jump” is no different from the argument a Moira main uses to talk about dmg orb around here “move to a side” “stay with your team” I don’t see why Hanzo, a sniper based hero who’s main job is dealing damage, can’t have the ability to do damage but Moira can

Of course, dmg orb doesn’t one shot you but it also has a lot more range than scatter and it’s infinitely more reliable with less cooldown

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I think you pretty much answered your own question. If Moira’s damage orb output all that damage in one go and could instakill full health tanks, it would be the same dilemma.

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but which tanks? the ones that dont have a shield that completely nullifies it? roadhog? youre being disingenuous. all the tanks have abilities that make most if not all dps useless for a brief period or under certain circumstances. not to mention it only “instakills” 2 tanks and that’s if theyre out of position or wasted all their abilities.

but it can, dmg orb has 50 dps and her left click does too, at 100 damage per second, all Moira needs is 4 seconds of uninterrupted dmg to bring down a 400 hp hero it seems fair so far but with Moira you don’t need to aim and you have soft lock on

If Hanzo misses his scatter arrow (which is perfectly doable) he has to rely on his personal aim and skill, something Moira doesn’t need to

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4 seconds is not instant 450 damage behind someones back. With a wall hack.


so it’s a problem if it’s actually used “as intended” now?

assuming the damage didn’t require any specific type of aim I would agree, but if you miss scatter you’re safe until he has it again, while with Moira you either escape for 4 seconds straight or well you die, in both cases you can kill the source of damage but again, who’s easier to kill? Hanzo or Moira?

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Why would you go to a thread that is clearly meant for people that hate scatter arrow to try to counter every argument that has been backed out by developers (because they wanted this rework for so long and never did it because the whole “consistency” across hanzo’s damage) and then still scream “IM FINE” ?

Its going to happen no matter what you say shhhh, embrace it. If you are a good hanzo, you will be fine.

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This is a little strange. You’re saying Moira’s orb can one shot a full health tank, yet in the same paragraph you say it would take 4 seconds.

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Both for me. Hanzo just has an easier way to sneak up on you and kill you. That’s why he’s worse. The mobility. I can break the LOS with Moria. And I can activate Zarya’s barrier to block orb and her beam. While I grenade her over the place. She’s overall easier.

all this complaining about scatter did was get us an ability that has the potential to do around 960 damage just by aiming like always. my only problem with it is the lack of angles it’s going to have, making hanzo a better mccree.


Pretty much.

I would suggest anyone ready to go on a victory lap to temper their expectations. It’s a rework afterall, getting rid of an old skill and adding 2 new ones.

There will be no short supply of people crying at they’re getting rekt even worse by Hanzo after the rework.


It will most likely have less cooldown as well xD

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easy. some of the people I had the displeasure of “debating” on the old forums are here and it’s fun to see them backtrack their whole arguments and discredit themselves after going out of their ways to argue and spam threads about how they knew better. I consider it rather gratifying they couldnt hold on to their own arguments and reveal it was just because they got outplayed.