Anyone else excited for the scatter removal?

Never said which corner and how but you are trying to get things out of context to rally against my answer to someone else’s question.

“Spot the salty angry hanzo main” - Achievement unlocked :smiley:

I cried tears of happiness and I bought myself a Big Mac to celebrate :joy:

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May I ask you how you died? I mean, was it a snipe from far away or did the hanzo acquire highground and hit you from above?

you’re going to need more than “salty hanzo main” to gain credibility in your arguments. besides. im not salty, im having a field day. this thread is baseless accusations and patting on the back for the removal of an ability for a character they never played. it’s proving a lot of my old arguments right.

can’t kill anyone with scatter anyway

I’ll give you this gem my Hanzo fellow


shh, it’s a conspiracy, man! a friggen conspiracy! lol.


Didn’t say he didn’t. Scatter is inconsistent in that it can scratch a 200hp but one shot a 400hp. A volley controlled by the user will be more consistent.

People will always complain about Hanzo as long as he gets to kill people.

Inb4 “Volley is no-skill machine gun spam, Scatter was better”


inb4 the “spamzo” complaints and “no skill”. it’s always the same with these people.


Excited is probably the wrong word. Relieved is more accurate. As a tank main, scatter has always been the dumbest ability in the game and even dumber are the Hanzo mains who tried to defend it all this time with their useless “just jump” or “don’t be out of position” remarks.

It’s actually disheartening that Blizzard would leave an ability like that in the game for almost 2 years. Doesn’t do much to instil faith in them in regards to balancing when things like this can take this long to fix.

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because it takes skill to jump and move to the left? or is it moving to the right that’s difficult? or staying behind the shield? or high ground? or at the very least decent positioning and game sense…


I rest my case :point_up_2:

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and i rest my case. you have no argument other than your feelings. just like your baseless accusations last time.

and a lot of skill

widow is fine, hanzo is not

Numbers son. NUMBERS. Go read them and learn about balance.

numbers say use a shield.

the argument of “not being out of position” or “just jump” is no different from the argument a Moira main uses to talk about dmg orb around here “move to a side” “stay with your team” I don’t see why Hanzo, a sniper based hero who’s main job is dealing damage, can’t have the ability to do damage but Moira can

Of course, dmg orb doesn’t one shot you but it also has a lot more range than scatter and it’s infinitely more reliable with less cooldown

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I think you pretty much answered your own question. If Moira’s damage orb output all that damage in one go and could instakill full health tanks, it would be the same dilemma.

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but which tanks? the ones that dont have a shield that completely nullifies it? roadhog? youre being disingenuous. all the tanks have abilities that make most if not all dps useless for a brief period or under certain circumstances. not to mention it only “instakills” 2 tanks and that’s if theyre out of position or wasted all their abilities.