Any way to make Orisa work like Rein?

Here’s the deal, I am an Orisa player, yet people often prefer Rein because of his ability to push forward, but I can’t play him at all. I want to know if there is any way I could use Orisa like Rein. I want to know in what areas Rein is clearly best, and what I can do about it with Orisa. Can I get some tips for Orisa, or, maybe some help with Rein?

My Orisa is pretty good, good positioning, good damage, etc, I just need to know how to effectively push. My Rein will kill any team I am on, though, I am way too agressive, don’t know when to pull out, and can’t firestrike. If you can help me play Orisa better, or help me play Rein at all, I would appreciate it.

She’s definitely better suited for defending rather than attacking, but… A good way to push with Orisa is to keep forcing the other team back with her halt ability.

Halt the enemy team back, fortify as you step out of your shield to advance(try to keep a pocket on you while you’re doing these), and throw down another shield when you get as far as you can. It’s not as fast as Rein, but you can definitely advance with her, especially if you’ve got a few competent dps/healers to back you up.

Sounds like what I’ve been doing, but I will work on it.

Rein is better at pushing Orisa is better at defending shes the dig your heels in im not moving you are kinda gal while Rein aint.

Shes not supposed to work like Rein. Shes an Anchor tank. You set up in one spot with her and try to be an immovable bunker. But that gets run over with Lucio speedboosting Rein, Zarya, and Brig into your bunker.

To work like Reinhardt? No.

But there are workarounds that let you kinda rough-shod impinge on Reinhardt’s niche… sorta… Like Wendigo said, ample use of Halt can help on pushes, throwing your barrier on a payload can help… You’ll still be less effective than a Reinhardt, but you can do it.

Overall, though, she’s intended for fortifying a specific point, not pushing. It’s like trying to snipe at long range with a McCree–why do that when you can just choose Ashe or Widow?

Walk forwards. Seriously. Your barrier comes back faster than you think, and don’t underestimate how good it is that you can shoot with your barrier up. Call out to your team when barrier is breaking and when you’re placing a new one. “Move up with me, back, back, GO!” Is awesome. Remember as well that your biggest weakness is enemies like Rein walking through your shield so use Halt to pull him away from it whilst you melt his shield, and when they walk through make sure to use fortify whilst you still have armour on your health bar. The percentage damage decrease stacks so you’ll survive longer.

On attack plop your barrier on corners, shred their shield as much as you can and if they pull back plop a new barrier at the next corner and your team will follow. Corners provide natural cover that can’t be destroyed so your team is harder to hit, can avoid firestrikes and can still peek out and shoot. Body blocking works too. If your shield cracks, fortify and stand infront of your team while your shield regens, then your supports can heal you up while you continue shooting. Get a pick or distract while your flankers take out a key opponent then put a barrier down further ahead and move forward. Fun trick is putting your barrier behind their Orisa’s barrier so you negate theirs by walking forwards through it and still get the protection of your own.

Trust me, it just works.

Good luck :smiley:

EDIT: OH! Aiming with Orisa is weird. Took me a little while to realise she wasn’t hitscan and was confused that I was aiming better with Dva. As a Rein main I had neglected my aim skill but I’ve been practising and with a little effort I’ve gotten far better. Go on the practice range and stand perpendicular to the moving practice bots. Get a feel for how much you need to lead your shots at different ranges, then practise using halt to focus on headshots. Aim halt at the floor in their path as then you don’t need to worry about clicking RMB again, and aim at where their head will be, not where it is. This takes practice, but getting a good grip of how far halt pulls a target will help so much.

Second, load up Petra FFA and play Orisa. Shoot out the floor in the middle and have fun Halting McCrees into the pit for easy wins and loot boxes. Now that you’ve accepted you’re going to Hell use FFA as practise 1v1ing DPS. I can reliably beat a McCree in close combat with proper cooldown usage and a whole lot of faceshots. Fan the hammer has to reload, you don’t for like 6 hours. After each close range fight reload as you don’t know when you’re next fight will be, but if you’re bunkering and wearing down a shield don’t reload until they push up or you run out of bullets.

Oh, and please lower your sensitivity. You don’t need to 360 as much as you think. Precise tracking with Orisa is everything.

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You don’t play Orisa when Reinhardt is needed, play Orisa when she’s needed. Reinhardt would lose to Orisa if they both have the same team comp where Orisa is stronger like pirate ship, Bunker comp, maps with environmental kills and defense heavy maps like Hanamura. And Reinhardt would win if the team comp is death ball or heavy attack maps or maps with no environmental kills.

For two anchor main tanks, the only thing they share is barrier and the category they’re in. It’s like sayin’ how can I play Reinhardt like Winston, etc…

Bigger shield, more shield health, more damage. Have her be even more of a bunker, and be able to burn down anyone who tries to get close. Then when everyone’s dead, advance.

Which of these would you like?

Put your shield where you want to go. Fortify as you make your way there. Repeat. She’s fantastic on a payload attack.

I get it, Rein is great, but I CAN’T play him. I either need help with Rein, or some tips for an aggressive Orisa.

I can give Rein tips if you’d like as well? I know I’m only Silver rn but I’ve climbed 500SR in a couple of weeks thanks to a tonne of research and practice main tanking. Just let me know and I’ll edit this post appropriately.

I think she works really well as a counter to a rein. You gotta remember, while he’s standing there with his shield up, you can pump that 150 bullet clip into his shield and slowly whittle it away… it won’t take long before the rein is forced to either retreat or break formation and attack you since he has no shield left.

That is when the fight will really begin, as he can’t charge an orisa (her fortify pretty much negates it).

The only time this is a problem is if the rein’s supports are paying more attention to him than your supports are to you.

Alright, this is a good reply, thanks! I’ll try to improve.

I’ve thought of more since. I’ll add to it once I’m back from work (teehee).

EDIT: Ok so Orisa tips. Firstly, all payloads float. This doesn’t sound too important until you remember that you have 150 bullets. That means that as the payload comes around a corner, if your shield is set up right there are locations where your team is protected by both the payload and your shield. If you have a Brig in the front line with you she can just hold M1 and keep them on the other side of the payload while the entire time you’re shooting at their ankles. Damage dealt to them at minimal risk to yourself. And if they jump over the payload, halt them back onto it and shoot them in the face.

Speaking of faces. 150 bullets can deal a lot of damage to one’s ankles, but a whole lot more to the skull. In 1v1 Orisa fights the winner is the one who lands the most headshots (although this is true of many heroes) so if you’re both behind barriers, spam A and D and wiggle. Compensate for that wiggle and keep the crosshair on her face, even if the barrier is in the way. She likely won’t be moving as much as Orisa’s behind barriers like to think they’re safe. They shouldn’t be. Those few shots that will get through when she puts down her new shield will hurt a whole lot more if you aim them right so do make the effort. Just get into the habit of aiming at the face in general (Reinhardt excluded, tips for him will follow). As Orisa in comp you have an accuracy rating of 25%. Thats good, it hints to me that you’re probably preemptively shooting at corners and scaring off attackers. Nice. Mine is 30%. Not to brag at all, but just to think that at 150 shots in a magazine 5% matters a whole lot more. Shots landed are faster ultimates and more panicked enemies.

Speaking of ultimates, did you know you can press Q and E at exactly the same time and get both benefits? Did you get sniped to death and are making a mad dash for the final point to keep your team alive? Have they sunk a tonne of ults into this push and you need their Primal Winston melted immediately? Or is the Pirate Ship payload rounding a corner and your Bastion fancies a bit of help making those shots at the Phamercy count? Press Q and E at the same time and you have a protected ultimate that can be placed right next to a static teammate and will be safe from snipers while you get the benefit. As I learnt from playing Mercy focusing on boosting rather than healing: Dead enemies = breathing teammates.

Oh, and if your halt timing gets good you can pull people into holes, into dragons, into mines, into gravs if they look like they just might escape etc. A fun one (Although it takes coordination) is to halt a Reinhardt a little into the air giving your Rein time to Earthshatter, as if a Rein is not on the ground their shield does not protect them. This is why Reinhardt’s don’t shield hop if they know their opponent has their ult unless their baiting or they’re stupid.

REIN Tips that no-one asked for with some Orisa facts thrown in because I can’t write a structured anything:

You say you can’t get Rein to work. Here’s some tips to give it a go. Firestrike as much as possible, and only charge when the other Rein does, or to finish off the last enemy once the fight is won. Firestrike does 100 damage to everything it hits and in certain comps it can hit a lot. It could finish off that Bastion, destroy an Orisa’s ult, a junkrat ult, finish off the Mercy trying to get to safety… The possibilities are endless and an unused Firestrike is ult charge you could be having. Its also risk free. It takes long enough to recharge that any chip damage you or your team takes while your shield is down can be healed by your supports to charge theirs. Ults win fights so you want yours first. The winner in a Rein v Rein matchup is whoever lands their firestrikes or charges. If the other Rein gets greedy and charges at you, press shift immediately. He, out of position and on the floor, should be melted by your team while you are close enough to be healed by your supports before you put your shield back up. Sure you could move out of the way but can you guarantee your Ana can move just as fast? It is always safer to counter charge. (To practice aiming firestrikes, charge the training bot on the cliff edge at such an angle that you hit the railing, knocking him into the air. Firestrike him as he’s falling. If you can reliably hit him you’re better at it than me)

Don’t get Ana to nano you. To get the benefit you’d need to put your shield down and yes, you should be swinging at least a bit anyway but a nanoed rocket barrage, dragon blade, anything is more reliable than a Rein. Anas think because you don’t need to aim its a safe bet but the damage potential just isn’t great. When you do swing, remember that your hitbox is slightly further out from yourself just off centre of the crosshair. Make use of this by aiming just to the left or right of your opponents and they’ll be surprised by how far you can reach them. You’ll see pro Reins actually swing the crosshair left and right with their hammer to abuse this and swing even further on the x axis. Give it a go, you’ll see what I mean.

Do not waste shatter. It can easily wipe a team and even easier when comboed with a Dva or junkrat bomb or anything like it. Get your teammates to focus their barriers, draw out the Zarya bubbles or fortifies and then go for it, or even hide around corners when you know they’re coming. A flanking shatter onto their backline can leave their tanks confused and alone for you to swing into them. Thats a won fight right there. Oh, and because I didn’t mention, Orisa’s fortify stops Earth shatter and can even help her walk out of Grav (although you rarely want to do this). Halt the Rein away from your buddies while they get up and you might save the whole team.

Reinhardt sucks at getting back onto high ground so really think about when to drop down. Do your teammates still need protecting or do you need to contest? If you drop will they follow or will Winston/Dva come and kill them unopposed? This is true for Orisa too but she can deal damage from above or halt them off payload, or even drop a barrier on your mei who is distracting them. Rein really can’t and does need to drop down to swing, so that walk back up is going to feel super long if you timed it wrong. Keep an eye out for Lucio boops and Dva boosters… Oh, and remember that if Orisa is shooting she is actually booped back less by these abilities. Same as you walk slower all movement is slowed. So if Lucio is flanking just keep shooting at him. It could save your life.

My experience has been Orisa suffers if she doesn’t have a partner to help burst down shields. A lot of DPS Players are playing hitscan and snipers this season. Not a lot of people willing to play Junkrat this season, who pairs up really well with her.

Junk is a great pair with Orisa. The enemy team can’t charge into you because they are constantly being both halted and bombarded.

Cart maps.
Stick with the thing and push with it.
That’s how orisa attacks.

I’ve updated my answer. I know I’m only Silver but I’ve climbed a lot very quickly and without being able to pull a lot of this stuff off, watching a tonne of videos and Contenders matches has given me ideas and I’ve seen how they can work. I’ve been coached recently and I wanted to hand out any info I have because I know a lot of players can’t stand playing tank so I wanna see more people getting good at it. Guxue and Fusions at the OWWC showed me how awesome really good tank play is. It’s an underrated art form and I want to see more awesome tank players. I hope to see you in platinum. I’ll race you :wink:

Edit: Shield hopping btw is when you keep jumping forward as Rein and only have your shield up when in the air. Gives plenty of protection for your team but you move much quicker and can take an enemy bunker by surprise, and again your supports can heal the chip damage. Oh and if you hold jump whilst charging as Rein you move a little farther if you don’t hit anything. I promise I’m done now, but it can help you get into a fight quicker.