Any information on The Collective?

I remember The Collecting being hinted in the Esperanca map as a possible new faction of Overwatch? Is there any new information on this?

you can hear portuguese dialogue in the background of the map (i don’t know if anyone has analyzed it. please post if you know anything about it).

There are speculations that it could have something to do with the season 4 new hero.

The Collective is responsible for the development of Durovidro (hard glass) and the sea wall that shielded Portugal from the Omnic Crisis 30 years ago. The wall and durovidro itself was designed by husbands Claudio and Hector. Claudio is the inventor who created durividro, while Hector is a climatologist who originally wanted the wall to be built because of the rising sea levels. The fact that it ended up protecting them from Anubis and the Crisis was a happy coincidence.

We were also told that a future hero will be coming based on teasers on Esperanca. The only teaser is The Collective, so the primary speculation is a hero tied to the organization. If not one of the Martins, then someone else. Based on prior patterns for hero teasers, I dont expect this hero to be revealed until Season 6 at the earliest.

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The Collective isn’t mention in the museum speakers, but the logo is everywhere. Claudio and Hector Martins both wear a Collective pin on their clothe on their picture on the Museum. They may have created this Collecvtive, but nothing confirm that yet so we don’t know more.

Here is what the dialogue says (in Portuguese) :

Nos anos antes da crise, Portugal debatia se com as alterações climáticas e a subida do nível do mar. Preocupado com a situação difícil do seu país, o inventor português, Cláudio Martins regressou à sua terra natal com o seu marido, o polimata venezuelano Hector Martins. Juntos, começaram a construção de um paredão usando a invenção de Cláudio, um material transparente e tão forte como diamante, chamado Duro Vidro. Apesar de o trabalho dos inventores ter um futuro brilhante para Portugal, o destino tinha outros planos.

A Crise Omnica começou. O exército português mobilizou se para o paredão e manteve uma defesa intrépida e poderosa contra as forças de Anubis. Uma era em que a maioria das nações se debatia para proteger as suas fronteiras, Cláudio convenceu o governo português a formar uma aliança defensiva com Espanha. Combinariam as forças dos seus exércitos em troca da expansão do paredão de DuroVidro desde a costa de Portugal, a costa partilhada com Espanha, estendendo se até ao Estreito de Gibraltar.

Also, you have a line of dialogue between Brigitte and Torbjorn on Esperança mentionning the Martins :

Brig : Papa, don’t the Martins live here?
Torb : No, they mostly hang out in that Arcology of theirs.
Brig : Are they still having problems with curious whales?
Torb : Yes, and they still won’t let me help!

So yeah, the bets are on the Archology map and probably a hero linked to the Martins/Collective/Archology in future seasons.


My best guess is that it’s related to the alliance between Portugal and Spain, and is their own internal version of Overwatch. Likely created out of desire for independence and mettling from foreign entities like the UN/Overwatch

I also speculate that the new hero may use this “durovidro” material in their abilities, as it seems to be the focal point of information surrounding The Collective and Esperanca being involved in the creation of the sea wall

A support hero who covers an ally in durovidro that can reflect projectiles? Neat concept. Or maybe it gives them some other unique property unfathomed before? Hopefully it’s enjoyable for someone, if not me.