Any Ideas on How to Address Leavers?

Okay final proposal lol, what if the reward system is in place for not leaving a game in x days or more, but hidden from other users so nobody knows who is on the anti-leave reward program and who is not,

it simply encourages people to stay in games and see them through in order to start earning more exp (or it could award coin currency)

Its an idea for sure and not a bad one. There are some “considerations”.

First, not everyone cares about cosmetics or the rate of gaining cosmetics. I myself have “max collected” all Loot Box items meaning I have all possible items that appear in any given loot box. Only Achievement Sprays and Golden Weapons remain for me. That being said, a high majority of players don’t have completed collections like mine. Even then there are those, especially those on “alternate accounts” who would not be incentivized by cosmetic rewards.

Endorsements already kind of does this to a limited sense. Part of your Endorsement standing including not leaving games, if you leave games (of any type) it will negatively impact that Endorsement rating. Excessively leave games, it’s easy to drop to level 1. And as always you receive loot boxes periodically if you are level 2 or higher.

Try to find patterns in the data to tell you what is causing the player to leave and what the players that leave in that fashion care about. Then either change things to prevent the leaving process from happening or attack what they care about.

For example, some users have mentioned that they leave when the map they don’t like comes up in QP.

Leaving in QP regularly drops your endorsement level and it drops your XP gain which is how you get lootboxes.

So, that user clearly does not care about their endorsement level, their level, or lootboxes that much.

However, they do appear to care about how they spend their time. So that provides them with a stick to beat them with if you decide to take that approach.

You could simply start tossing them on maps that they hate with just AI until they win several times.

You also can take the approach of trying to prevent what leads to the player leaving in the first place from happening. In the case of the person leaving due to not liking the map it might be worth looking at if the selection of maps and where people play them could be made better.

Yeah I don’t know what it is about this game, but people leaving seems so much more prominent in OW than it has been in any other online shooter I’ve played. Of course, in other games it was simply 4v4… maybe something about going from 4 players on a team to 6 is the threshold where people are just more likely to leave.

It’s one of the reasons I’ve only participated in maybe three seasons of comp, if I remember correctly.

When your team loses a player, you can just feel the enthusiasm and fun immediately leave every remaining player (including yourself). All you can do is sit and think “welp, was fun while it lasted”.

Not saying it’s impossible to win a 5v6, but because people immediately stop trying most of the time, it’s just an exercise in futility.

More leavers = Less SR lost (if you lose), more SR won (if you win)
i thought about this for ages, because its so unfair losing same amounts of SR when you have a leaver vs a normal game

And yet here we are still with a bunch of leavers. Lmao. Good job Blizzard…forum says it all. Don’t even bother replying

What Blizzard needs is an anti leaver forced rejoin system that hacks your computer and forces you to rejoin, and if necessary hacks into your homes Alexa/Siri spy system and has it start yelling at you to “REEEEjoin the Game!!!”

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If we had a Player Quality Rating system that WORKED within and ONLY within Competitive play mode. The problem would QUICKLY dissolve fast and keep the Blizzard machine going strong. That way we are paired WITH and AGAINST team mates of the same skill. None of this “wild card” player on each team, for the sake of time filling. A mode like this SHOULD be a little longer for que times, with players that ARE at our skill level.

To fix this…

I’d be sitting down as a programmer and using the VERY first figure in my line of code. With the FIRST factor being, as to how long the account’s maturity of time played has been. Give it a 3.5x multiplier so that way it picks from a pool of players that aren’t just buying accounts at random for the soul purpose of “Smurffing”.

Then my next figure would be to judge players based upon 10-15 matches of Placements to decide what their Player quality rating IS. None of this “endorsement” stuff either, to determine player quality for a Competitive match. I could practice on Quick play all day. Leave a large number of matches due to fine tuning my hardware, and then jump into Competitive with a mindset that this is “the real deal”.

So Nothing being factored into my MMR for competitive play, OUTSIDE of the mode (such as Quick Play, arcade or any other mode.)

Last but not least. I would use actual RANK RESET and use a Median pool that has NO record of how a person did last season. Even IF there is a steam-roll match it shouldn’t begins to adjust until after 3 matches. Placements should be EXACTLY that. Placements, and not just “motions” to do something.

I think you are trying to define values that are not easily quantifiable. How do you mathematically quantify “player quality”? Also, the reason why “account experience levels” are not accounted for in matchmaking is that it would negatively impact matchmaking in many ways. It would DRAMATICALLY increase queue times for low-experience players when they first enter competitive play to being HOURS long, while that would put a stop to alternate accounts, it would kill this game for attracting new players and eventually cause the game to die out overall.

Competitive ALREADY does not account for Quick Play or any other game mode to develop a player’s MMR. A new player starts in the middle of the road value which is approximately at 2350 SR. Endorsements have no influence in matchmaking either. Endorsements are only an optional factor in Looking-for-Group settings set by the group leader.

Rank resets do not happen in Overwatch. The problem is that matches become EXTREMELY inconsistent for all players. They deliberately stopped doing rank resets in season 3.

I think you have a lot of impressions about Competitive that is not true. I suggest taking a look at this guide made by Kaawumba here as it really breaks down the facts and myths of Competitive Play.

Simply force them into games with other people who are also leavers for a whole month, and make sure they absolutely can’t get into other games except with those who are also deserters. Can’t be bothered to finish a game and try to the very end consistently? Get used to consistently long waits or quitting the game altogether for good. The community will be better for it.