Any ETA on reaper and symetra's nerf?

There are plenty of characters that can be devastating in a one v one with another squishy. You aren’t calling for them to all be nerfed, because you don’t find them objectively OP. All you need is team play and to kindly ask for changes in your composition

answer to both is mei and mccree , they have heavy counters. besides i would say symm is rather bad and exploitable. i agree reaper should be toned down and be only viable in bronze/silver. Same goes for bastion, mercy, moira, torb. Maybe nerfing left-click on symm would be nice a little bit.

Why would Blizzard make characters only viable in a certain rank? Because you think they require no skill?

Yikes. So I guess the only healers I should play is Ana and Zen right? Because I have to aim with them?

Better take Rein out the game. All he has to do is swing his hammer and in three shot you can kill anything, no aim required!

It is incredibly easy to counter close ranged characters and every role has a character who can deal with them. All that’s required is Game sense.

Rein just like winston takes skill , funny you mentioned that. Rein needs to know when to recharge shield , when to shield hop , when to shatter, you can cancel melee animation with firestrike. With mei is hurr durr i put a wall and they cant escape , or hurr durr im hit leftclick for 0.1s and now they cant move at all. With torb the whole skill revolves around where he puts turret. with bastion the ammount of teamwork required to pull bastion comp off is infintely easier against teamwork required to counter him. Thats all and if you think there is any kind of depth into these characters you are mistaken. What i say more is that these characters are unfun to play against by the book. They only surface in higher ranks because of their cheesy mechanics. Thats all

so that means they should be only good in lower elo’s? I and Blizz think not!

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excacly and thats why the game is so frustrating for me and many people . These people who play these heroes can get efficient with them in a matter of hours vs hundreds of hours dedicated to learning skills like tracking or flicking. Also even gamesense has lower requirement for these heroes than rein or winston has because unlike these heroes they are punished for the lack of positioning. With mei you have ice block and wall which are both extremly good abilities that are so universal that you can get almost of any situation, with torb you press e and suddenly you have 450 hp , half of which is armour, with bastion there is always baptiste and even getting to him puts you at disadventage if not all 5 of your teammates are at the same page as you. So yes, in ideal overwatch these heroes should not excel beyond silver or gold and should be more easily counterable just as how easy it is for them to counter others.

Hurr durr I’m Rein, I walk behind people and earth shatter the entire team and swing my hammer.

Hurr durr I’m Mercy, I literally bring people people back to life.

This is a moba dude. Every character has a brain dead ability. Doesn’t take skill to press Q/Y/Triangle.

Every character is capable of a high skill ceiling. Some just have Low skill floors.

Actually I didn’t do anything to make you look or feel bad, you did that all on your own. I’m pointing out that you’re calling everyone, literally everyone who doesn’t agree with you an NPC. If you can’t argue your point without resorting to garbage like that then you have no argument. Also, people who do that when discussing anything from games to politics are basically the NPCs. Learn how to use the meme, kiddo.

sense of scale level 0, are you a flat earther?

That could fry your processor?

setting aside the fact that I don’t know what your attitude problem is, you got part of your wish, Symmetra is being gutted.

Happy now?

Yeah, I knew it’ll happen, I just wanted to know when. Waiting for the reaper nerf though

I’m sure once he’s prominently played in the OWL and winning the nerfs will follow suit

Let’s hope they’ll find a way to show Jeff how broken he is right now, it’s just a matter of time