Any Cute/Pixel Achievement in QP Classic easy to get - LF Members (EU)

So, our plan is to get two 6x groups queue at the same time for QP Classic, probably will meet each other in a match and do Cute/Pixel achievements. (You can earn them in QP Classic with the latest patch)

Currently we are two players (which will lead the groups) and are looking for fellow achievement hunter.

You want Doomfist Cute? Zen Pixel? Reaper Pixel? Lucio Pixel? Baptiste Cute or any other? You are welcome.

Add Plusle#21318 to get started. (EU) :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’ve added you, name is Xade, please whisper me when you get online.

Darn this sounds cool but I play on US servers so even if I add there is a chance I can’t tell if your online or not.

So, four people who also want to get achievements can still join you?