Cheaters do exist, but the thing is that many people false accuse people daily on that problem. Heck even i was accused of that on zen, and my aim is terribly low. Had also friends who were accused more offten also… the problem is not that nobody belive in those, the problem is that some actualy think that anything that outplay them must be “hax”
Detecting cheats as a mid tier pleb become near impossible, you have to know what you are looking for and even then it’s not cut and dry.
Oh and there are effective cheats for nearly everything
How dare you make spaces in between links and make me work!
I was accused of wallhacking by getting 2 lucky kills on a sombra smurf. It only makes the problems worst because you’re diluting the word from someone using a 3rd party app to someone who either got lucky or just good.
I will admit, the first kill was sus but I swear I just got lucky and guessed.
2nd time tho, I was spasming outtrying to find her and the sombra, being an idiot, used the hello voiceline and it became easy for me to find her. She still accused me of hacking.
So, you’re saying some dude is giving Blizzard $15, then 3 days later Blizzard bans them, then they again give Blizzard $15, then Blizzard bans them after few days, then again they give Blizzard $15 and so forth …
Why would anyone perm-ban that dude? It’s easy profit.
The only perm-banned players are frauders, because their money is no good, and they can damage your business.
As the Unofficial spokesperson for Bliztivision, I would like to say:
We have a new “Anti Cheat System”
When we get a report of someone cheating we send it straight to the Recycle Bin. Not very different from our approach to other reports.
Cheating should be made as difficult as possible, but you cannot ignore all the legal aspects. I can recommend you to read the following document to get an overview of the current situation, regarding kernel detection mechanisms
This looks like a serious violation of the Blizzard Code of Conduct and possibly a copyright issue. [ I am not an expert, but as far as I know, the Blizzard materials may not be used in this context without explicit permission. ]
The way I see it, the site tries to look legitimate by using visuals from Blizzard games.
Blizzard should not allow players to declare themselves as “police” within the community.
If a moderator or staff member reads this, please take a close look at the creator of the thread and identify the dangerous elements of this group.
The thing about kernel cheats is, they can also give some random guy access to your computer due to the nature of access hierarchy.
When it comes to cheat programs, these often double as a botnet for the host who created it. These players gain an advantage in a game, most likely by sacrificing their own personal data.
If Blizzard were to get into this KERNAL anti-cheat concept, which is what Capcom tried for their Street Fighter 5 in one patch, they’ll be chastised by literally everyone. Kernel level depth, saving to system32 folder, and the like are all very very shady. They are quite literally potential security risks always.
Anti-cheat can only go so far, before it’s considered malware.
at least its the recycle bin and not purged… right?
Absolutely not.
First of all, you act like games that use EAC or BattlEye or even Vanguard don’t have cheaters. They absolutely do.
There is literally no way whatsoever to stop cheating as long as the game is running locally on the user’s hardware. It’s impossible. Even always-running ring0 kernel-level anticheats get beaten. If you want to eliminate all cheating, you have to move the game to the cloud, like Stadia, and none of us want that.
Overwatch’s anticheat is actually not really any less effective than EAC or BattlEye, asking Blizzard to incorporate a godamn rootkit for their anticheat is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.
Honestly, it’s shocking how uninformed the people on this forum are, given that your suggestion was just universally fawned over. Put that mess on a pc, linux, or other forum where people know what they’re talking about and see the reception it gets. We need to eliminate ring0 anticheat, not add more of them. Jesus christ.
luckily valorant is leading the way with anticheat, as well as high tick servers, and all other competitive games will have to catch up to stay relevant.
luckily valorant is leading the way with anticheat, as well as high tick servers, and all other competitive games will have to catch up to stay relevant.
Riiiiiight. Because there’s no cheating in Valorant, and we all should beg for more kernel-level ring0 anticheats so we can have less ownership and control over our devices than we already have (on Windows and MacOS, at least).
I swear, we’re hurdling toward an absolute Black Mirror dystopia and although ring0 anticheat isn’t the most dire aspect of it, it’s definitely a part of it, and to see so many people on this forum embrace it and beg for it is extremely depressing. Thank god not everyone is as dense as the people on this forum.
Who else does this besides Valorant? I’m sure there’s others, but that’s the most recent one I remember in the news.
FYI, Valorant was plagued by cheaters before they were even able to get out of beta and a ton of experts point out what a security risk installing such anti-cheat software implies.
The only solution, as always, is to continue to be proactive – there’s no true anti-cheat.
yeah and all the cheaters in the beta got permanently hardware banned as soon as they brought the anticheat fully online.
what are these big companies gonna do install malware and steal your creditcard info, what and risk their entire reputation and companies future.
Yeah, obviously Riot isn’t going to do that… but by installing the client you put yourself at risk of any 3rd party eventually hacking that client and doing the exact same thing.
yeah but again it would be on their reputation if it happened. im sure they have done the risk assessment or the shareholders would let them stake the company on it.
that being said i did uninstall valorant because of how much they are owned by china. rogue communist regimes having access to your computer is a different can of worms.