Anti Bastion update

They did the opposite, try actually reading the changes description.


a pharah player that relies on splash got nerfed though


MB, I read it backwards. Thought the explosion was the contact (considering it does more than impact) and the impact was splash (considering it does less than explosion).

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Now you just lost all credibility.

As a Diamond Pharah player, I counter enemy Pharahs when I play Pharah. She does require aim, stop being ignorant.


yeah, just misinterpreted that part. lol!

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Also, these Pharah changes are completely unimpressive.

They don’t do anything from the Pharah-players perspective.

Sure, she fires faster rockets but she’s still a blimp in the sky that only Mercy can heal, and she now struggles against her counters even more with the KB reduction.


Again, misinterpreted the notes, still a little ridiculous that splash does more than the contact. In a general sense, pharah is still a simpler dps considering relative safety and distance compared to other dps. Most a pharah has to do is predict player movement which doesn’t take much to adjust to. Zenyatta can also heal a pharah, same with ana… oh and not to mention brig.

Yeah but he was quite OP when he just had the 10% extra resist. Anything like a little more damage, or something could be a big buff for him particularly in the lower tiers.

And pretty much nobody wanted any resist to begin with.

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While this is technically a nerf to Turret mode in the matchup, we still have Recon mode to duel her in.

With the changes to her splash damage, as long as you can dodge direct hits you should be able to more easily sustain yourself from her weakened splash with self heal to either retreat or to buy yourself time to counter attack. The travel speed of her rockets aren’t changing so if you see her poking at you from range in Turret you’ll still have an ample amount of time to react and go back to recon. And if she’s too close for you to flee, her fire rate buff isn’t going to stop her from getting mowed down by turrets close range dps.

Honestly, I’m less annoyed about the Pharah changes (I like them actually,) and more bummed that Mcree and Soldier are getting buffed while Bastion gets nothing despite Bastion still being in a weaker spot than both of them. All 3 of them should be getting something.

She shoots faster so she flat out does more damage than before. It hurts recon as well as sentry just sentry more so.

So basically never use sentry when there’s a Pharah? What’s even the point if people keep saying to stop using sentry when the enemy shows up? What’s the point of it then if you’re told to just never use it?

When does that happen outside of solo point blank ults which kill you anyways btw.

I feel bad for feeling bad when other heroes get changes :frowning:

What made him Op was the pocketing.
EVERYTHING else in is kit was garbage.

roadhog is the worst character in the game my doggy

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Have you played Bastion recently ?


Then why isn’t he a troll pick?


The Range envelope of all heroes is pretty much against bastion on the PTR at the moment. Bastions effective range is well and truly half or less of every other hero, thus making it even more suicidal to use turret form. now if Bastion had the same spread as Orisa or Hammond Bastion would have a sliver of survivability. but as it stands Bastion is shredded within its effective weapons range even using cover to the best of the players abilities,

I hate typing on phones BTW

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Is that an insult ?
I’m not sure if that’s worth a repport or not…

Please read the patch notes.


He is. nobody looks at a roadhog and says “thank god” he just isn’t complained about because even being bad, he still has some use. Bastion has entire comps of his own, and is a good pick on defense, and certain maps, Roadhog doesn’t have any of this.

Youre seriously considering reporting because I said “my doggy” you know, like “my dog” but just adding gy to the end.