Another Talon Healer Huh?

Interesting. I was thinking Talon would get a Tank before another healer. I am just glad Blizz listened and gave us a dude finally. Now all he needs to be is young and BAM we are in. He better not be ugly af.


  • A new talon member
  • male character


  • its not a tank
  • its not omnic
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This is still open to Echo so there’s that!

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Come on, it’s so obvious it’s a bait, don’t you think?

Orisa : her first teaser was a destroyed bot by Doomfist, and every one was going “OMG the next hero is Doomfist!!!” wrong, it was Orisa, rebuilt from those OR…

Brigitte : her first teaser was Operation White Dome, with a name, and everyone went : “OMG that’s a new hero, yes!” But no, it was Brigitte…

They like playing with us with their March heroes ^^


If Baptise goes live, I’d think he’s an aiming healer like Ana perhaps but closer ranged (to avoid a copycat and mix the kit). The document claimed Baptise is a “good shot” unless it refers more to the damage ability. :thinking:

I would actually think it’d be awesome if it was bait to be honest haha

Junker Queen incoming xD


I’m still not confident hero 30 is Baptiste. Usually they try to throw a curveball in the first hero teaser

How do you know he’s not an omnic?


I didn’t stop to think of it at first and now I am all “Oh hold up gotta wait until tomorrow or whatever for more info” hahaha

I keep forgetting about curveballs man.

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Omnics don’t drink rum… They drink that expensive oil advertised on Numbani.

says who? The hint we got last year was about Torb but then we got an even that has nothing to do with him.

I was thinking the same. I think it may be more, an Archive PvE mission with Talon Strike Team. The name Cuerva holds more importance to me. :thinking:

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Oh, true. I forgot about the “playing cards and drinking rum” part.

Tbh, i thought “but Baptiste was built to survive” could suggest he was an omnic

Built to survive and built by the devil himself… both sounds like phrases used to describe an Omnic to me xD

It’s like “Operation White Dome” teaser all over again guys : an unkown character name drop, a mission at a new place.

What we got : Brigitte and later Rialto Retribution


It can only mean one thing…

Junker Queen and a new Junker map! :grin:

I bet it’s a Tank with a single Support ability of similar strength to Biotic Field or Repair Pack


This is definitely a pro.

They usually say that when someone has great adaptability to environments and other situations through either physical or mental attributes. As far as I can remember, the Soldier Program did that with their test subjects (It said in Bastet that Soldier could adapt to any situation or environment due to the tests they did to him and he was now loosing his abilities) so I was thinking this was another possible Soldier Program subject.

He could be part omnic though? Like a cyborg so who knows?

Pay no heed to the new name or whatnot just yet, because right now all we know is that they are/was a captain and are affilliated with talon.

The details of the mission in the following days will give us a better idea, since this could quite easily be a talon perspective of a mission thwarted by a member of Overwatch or even someone else.

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It says “he has the devils own luck”
“Built to survive” is an idiom usually used among soldiers to denote that the individual in question is super hard to take down, a natural survivor
My drill sergeants used it here and there as praise

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