Another sombra hack thread

Off the bat, I’ve recently started playing sombra more and I’ve been having a lot of fun now that I’ve stopped camping health packs generally and started using trans to move around the battlefield. So my hate for the hero is substantially less than what it use to be. That being said…

Her hack makes literally no sense what’s so ever. at all. even a little.

Now that I’m learning what I can and can’t hack my world is crumbling around me. Why can’t she hack a D.VA bomb? she hurls a mechanize computer at you and nothing. Why can she hack whole hog? nothing about his ult seems like it requires a computer. He just turns a crank on the side. Is her hack making his hands forget what they’re doing? Tactical visor feels like it should be very hackable. Alas though, his auto-aim is still going to shoot her in the face. I don’t think it’s just ults either. I assume you’re hacking the tanks on Mei and Moira’s back so shouldn’t they become useless all together.

Overall, I’m not actually asking for these changes to be made (well, maybe the D.VA bomb thing, that thing is immortal). I’m just a bored gamer trying to make sense of the world. I ask to many questions.

If you’ve actually gotten this far thanks for reading my ramblings and have a nice day :slight_smile:

We need an option to block users and their thread spam.

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