Another One of THOSE Posts

So lately I have seen more and more of those posts like “Getting bored of Overwatch” or “Overwatch is less fun now”. Back in the day, I would have brushed these off as haters and sticklers. But honestly I am starting to side with them more and more as the weeks go on.

Provides some pretty good points.
I want to explain this from someone who has been here since day one. I have seen Bastion with a personal shield. I have seen sniper McCree. And yes, I have seen Seagull when he was the best player alive on Genji.
Let’s start with lore, because seriously this is a HUGE problem.
Animated Shorts/Videos
2016- 9!
2017- 3?
2018- 0…

Origin Stories
2016- 3
2017- 4
2018- 2

2016- 10!
2017- 5
2018- 1…

So it is REALLY obvious there has been a huge dropoff in lore. This is what made everyone love OW. It made the game stand out. It gave the heroes meaning. Not just another soldier with a different weapon like other shooters. But we have SOOO MANY DEAD ENDS!
Does Overwatch reform with Winston in the lead?
How exactly did Reaper turn evil?
Did Talon for sure fund Moira’s research?
How did McCree go from a criminal to a lone hero?
Where did the last Bastion go?
What has LITERALLY EVERYONE BEEN DOIN SINCE OVERWATCH COLLAPSED? (With the exception of a few but im lazy sorry)

So Lore is a big problem and is part of the reason people love this game less.

Also, there is a serious lack of communication. The Dev team ignored the Sombra backlash, the calls for Shield-Bash Nerf, and now refuse to listen to Mercy Rework supporters. I am not saying I am for or against these issues, but the fact that Blizzard won’t even comment or explain their position on these debates is frustrating. In the old days, people asked for things like: No sniper McCree, No invicible shield bastion, make Dva’s defense matrix not an automatic game no fun machine that destroys the souls of anyone who presses a button.

There is more stuff but im lazy and this will prob be buried under other stuff


overwatch has ignored one of the most important aspects of the game, the story.

if this game had the same characters and every feature but with no lore and animated shorts/comics, i guarantee it wouldn’t be where it is today

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