Micro Missiles are weighing D.VA down from becoming a good tank again

I will do you one better for A) add literally any kind of off tank . Literally any kind and it will show just how bad of a spot her kit actually is and how overrated dm is. I would greatly prefer that this new offtank have some defense to drive the point home even harder.


Micro missiles do a whopping 77 DPS.

For a total of 126 damage.

Per 8 seconds.

I get what they were trying to go for with the whole “bird of prey” when using it in conjunction with Fusion cannons, but it hardly ever works out like that when one is projectile and the other is hitscan. She needs to come to a full stop in front of her target before seeing a return on investment.

Would be nice if it was removed entirely to give some power back to her boosters, which could actually be used to survive dives.

Micro Missiles are worse than Helix Rocket, I don’t think its the added ~126 splash that is causing the rest of D.va’s kit to be nerfed around it but the fact that Defense Matrix is the only tank ability that is indfferent to damage scaling in Overwatch.

The DM nerf isn’t a problem for her own survivability, but to her team survivability because she has to play closer to the main tank and can’t peel as well for the backline. The 10 meter difference, 5 meters closer to the main tank and 5 meters shorter DM, just feels like a flanker buff.

Agree, we have 3 off-tanks since release with typically 1 of them being useless at any given time. Not only that, but we are not free in our choice and have to pick whatever compliments team’s MT better. D.Va is the only one that can work with different MT, no wonder she is played so much.

More off-tanks are long overdue.


Zarya isnt limted to just rein. People often forget that she has been part of dive longer than d.va actually. And still isnt swapped out of for winston goats. Zarya has a history of succeding in dive comps.

Bump because this still holds relevancy

I agree with you, she just feels like fat DPS rather than a tank

And not even a good one at this point :frowning:

Shes more dps than tank right now, ironically more than Hog at this point

Winky face

look up blizztrack. ptr patch notes usually end up there faster from wot i hear



Don’t bump you’re own threads.

It’s against the ToS of this forum:

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Topic still holds relevancy because D.VA isn’t doing too hot right now. And it seems entirely counter productive to just re-create the same post again because it backfills the forum log while eliminating any traction the post has had.

I’m just letting you know that it’s against the rules of this forum and that you shouldn’t be surprised if it get removed and you get temporarily suspended.

I think it’s kinda their own fault for not auto-locking inactive threads.

Thats fair

I’ll try not to do it as often then, especially with like month old threads

Just let the thread die when it’s inactive dude.
Just… let it die.

Blizzard has decided, correctly or not, that DM is “oppressive”, it’s frustrating for players to see their attacks simply deleted by a simple sweeping right-click. The missiles (and Fly&Shoot) were added to compensate for the massive nerf(s) to Defense Matrix. Before that she was a DM-bot, then she became dive.

Start a new thread…:roll_eyes:

D.va is pretty weak right now if your struggling against her your just getting out played

Agreed. If anyone actually does get killed by D.Va nowadays its mostly due to the fact she still has “some” killing power

Blah blah blah “necro” bump I still want D.VA to be good again blah

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As Khalad would say, anotha one