❓ [Anniversary Patch] Guesses what's coming?

Obviously there’s gonna be skins, and the workshop.
But you think dev’s got anything else in store for us?

Maybe a way to share your custom modes in-game?
Maybe 2HealerMaximum for OWL Stage3?
Possibly some new arcade modes?

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There’s most likely gonna be another season of comp FFA.

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Already confirmed to not be happening, fortunately

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Lol new FFA map confirmed /s

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That’s why I said 2HealerMaximum, instead of 2-2-2.
Because it would align with both the rumors from Slasher and be different from what Halo said.

Wouldn’t require any rebalancing, except for Brig. And I think people would be fine with Brig taking a backseat for a while in OWL.

I would like another competitive mode in the arcade

D.mon skin for D.va :stuck_out_tongue:

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Do we finaly get the OWL live replay spectrator mode?

Didn’t they say there’d be an “internet breaking” skin next event? Maybe they want people to lower their expectations to then be hit by hype or something.

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I’m pretty sure that was in reference to the workshop.

Yeah no, the workshop was the “PvP surprise that was hitting the PTR really soon”.

CoolGuy, I see you linked my post there, that feature Jeff Kaplan refers to is the Workshop.


disappointment. That’s what’s coming.

every event is the same with me. i genuinely hope there’s some big news coming, or some major features that can really push the game forward. usually nothing comes out. we did get the workshop on ptr recently (which is really damn awesome by the way), but i doubt we’re getting much more for a while.

still loving the gameplay of overwatch after almost three years regardless, but more consistent patches would be awesome.

i don’t think we’ll get much more than the workshop coming to live, and the regular skins & previous event games back for this anniversary.