Aww, I was thinking of a cute sunhat with a bow in the back…
Tru tru
indent preformatted text by 4 spaces
brings tears to my eyes.
We need the hog skin. Just make an option, like the chat censor, to make any skin like that look like the normal skin.
You know what, this would be epic😂
Yes, jelly is backing up this thread. Now we need reaper.
A flash costume for hog? Count me in.
You bet JellyandJam is backing this thread😁
Celebrate now we just let need the Hog dancers
Speedo Roadhog or riot.
Speedo torb would be 10/10
Give the payload a breast enlargement so we can get more people on it.
Speedo for Orisa’s puppy confirmed
summer widow is her least sexy skin though.
Roadhog and Rein in a tux
Zarya astronaut
Speedo, why the hell not
Speaking of which, that’s another idea I had for anniversary. Gotta look good to celebrate right?
Everyone in a tuxedo would be a nice change of pace, even if they would be fighting in it.
too bad hog is in a crap spot currently