Animated Short Prediction Thread™

Yeah that was lame, it shoulda been the other way around. Seoul for Summer Games and Busan for a real map. Busan is where the MEKA base is so it’d make sense for the map to be there. I also made that prediction before they released the summer games event

Please… just don’t let it be Hamtaro’s escape and time in Junkertown… but I bet it is

This is the Day when became D.oomfist.
20 characters…

I wouldn’t mind it being since she hasn’t gotten really any lore but it would be nice to see others in the short besides just her

I think the possible candidates would be: McCree, Pharah, Lucio, or Dva. This is based solely on the fact that they’re nearly nonexistent in other lore/comics/shorts, so they seem like the most likely for an appearance.

I would personally put my money on Lucio or Dva, but I would personally really love to see a McCree short.

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Jeff be like:

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Really wish it was a Doomfist short with some other Talon members in it. But I know Talon has gotten a decent amount of lore compared to others who haven’t gotten much of anything.

Maybe that Sombra dies leak will turn out to be true, lol.

ummmmmm what???

Lucio, Zenyatta, Pharah, or Plus a map. Maybe another “The Plan” type short about the map.

How Reyes became Reaper… a dark one, in depths, with a lot of action !

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Maybe Zenyatta, Ana, Mercy, Reaper, Hammond, Torb, or Mccree. D.Va doesn’t seem to even play a part at all in the lore and is just there for the most part. However I can see Symmetra (maybe Lucio too) playing a bigger part in the lore because Sanjay is in Talon.

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There was a “leak,” on maybe reddit, i don’t remember the site, about Sombra fighting Zarya and losing. She puts an extremely cool fight and almost bests Zarya, but then Zarya has a hero moment and traps Sombra inside an exploding building. This event ends up being very polarizing and causes various people to take sides/join Overwatch or Talon, that were previously gonna be neutral.

However even though Sombra body dies, she uploads her mind into a robot body.

It was presumed fake, especially after a full rework failes to materialize and for other reasons. Which is why I said it jokingly that it would turn out real. I’m not serious.

Nah this is Jeff

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I’m uncomfortable.

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It’s so long and straight… it scares me

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Just the way Jeff likes it.

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The last two shorts that have dropped in August have been about a single hero and were emotional.

The Last Bastion dealt with the new map Eichenwalde which was being added to the game.

Rise and Shine dealt with an already existing map.

My guess is the short will be about one of the following characters:

D.Va, Mercy, Symmetra, or Zenyatta.

All four have limited lore coverage and have limited current connections to the existing cast and could easily have emotional moments.

I’m not sure what Jeff’s presence in Korea means.

They could be doing a full Korea push with Jeff, a map, and a cinematic but, that might be awkward to do all of that during a major game conference thousands of miles away.

Jeff’s presence could be compensation. Yeah, your not getting a map or a cinematic from your country but, I’m visiting instead.

A middle approach is also possible where they get a map or a cinematic and not both.

It’ll also be interesting to see if they do a Busan map as a community one exists that is impressive. That could lead to interesting reactions if the map isn’t good.

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Ugh, I want to predict D.Va as it is beyond obvious, but everyone is guessing that. Okay, I am going with Torbjorn lore to explain his rework. I want those free internet points.