Andy If You're Reading This

Can we please get a fix for Mercy’s res on the experimental for console? It keeps auto-canceling. I noticed that there was an update to the card itself, with some more Mercy changes even, but her resurect still doesn’t work as intended.

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What were the new changes? I dont see it on the current exp patch notes

Mercy (Caduceus Staff): Now gains 12.5% healing modifier back whenever a damage boosted target deals damage to an enemy.

Mercy (Resurrect): Canceling resurrect no longer gives half the cooldown back, but instead resets guardian angel.

what the heck are they doing, honest to god really. I liked the fact that it 1/2 the cd time literally by the time u pull off a rez, the GA cd is basically reset, im pretty irked with how they chose to balance her :roll_eyes:

edit: not balance but just change her

Yeah lol. But I at least wanna get a good feel for the changes. It’s impossible though for me because res isn’t working properly.

I don’t understand the whole resetting of GA’s cooldown though. It has like a two second cooldown already. GA’s cooldown resetting upon Valk’s activation is extremely useful, because you can juke the mess outta people.

I just don’t see a practical use for resetting GA after cancelling a res, but again, I can’t test it…

Thats what im saying-- and actually GA has a 1.5 second CD if were getting technical here, but ever 1/2 sec counts to me and rez cast is 1.75sec so again, its BASICALLY already reset after you rez, I would have liked if they did a tweak on moth mercy and give her faster GA mechanics in valk and a 1sec cast time rez or even instant rez, like that would work for a patch like this : (

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The main thing I want for Mercy is simply a faster cast time for res during valk, or the ability to instant res during valk.

I’m not advocating for the res charge system to return. I can see how that was problematic. But why is it that res is her ONLY ability that doesn’t get a performance enhancement during her ult?

Even her pistol gets one for crying out loud…

Hiya folks,

We just released a hotfix addressing this issue. Apologies for anyone who had a negative experience due to this bug.


AndyB!! :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:



Thank you for replying, and I just confirmed tonight that the issue is in fact fixed. Now we can res normally :grin:

Still incredibly bad, lmao

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The Mercy changes on experimental?

What else, shes the only one that got truly shafted

Well I can’t argue with you there. I thought the ability to cancel res would’ve been useful, but ultimately if your positioning and decision making is good, you won’t need to cancel res in the first place.

Outside of that we have nerfed healing and added incentive to battle mercy. Which I don’t do. I’m just glad that we have something new to mess around with, to be honest.

Hope Blizz does more of these going forward.

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