Ana will go back into meta with some buffs

increase anas Nano range please !

Thank You !

They have already stated that they are currently looking at ways to buff her.

They’re not going to run three tanks. You peeps who think this are going to get a stark reminder that Mei, Orisa, Sombra and the Junkers are still in the game.

Sleep doesn’t need any buffs, neither does her damage. Make grenade go through teammates and give her either slightly better self sustain or a limited positioning tool.


Given that current Hanzo shows us what happens when you remove a character’s only intentional weakness (his inconsistency and lack of mobility), I don’t think giving Ana mobility would be a good idea, even though I would probably love it. Geoff Goodman (I think) even warned about doing this iirc (god knows why they designed Hanzo the way they did then…).

I DO however love the ideas of having the grenade go through full-health teammates and also potentially ones that are standing “inside of you”. Also the self-heal by healing teammates, yes!
Both of those things are not only quality of life changes but also potentially raise her skill-ceiling. You have to hit shots to self-heal after all and you can hit even nastier grenades if they aren’t blocked.

That’s why I specifically said “limited positioning tool”. My idea would be a grappling hook that functions more like wall climb, that has both a throwing and climbing animation that takes some time and is cancelled by taking damage. That way she has out-of-fight access to high ground, but can’t use it as an escape.

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You know doomfist can jump really far into the backline right, the only way to survive is to have some coordination from your team to get him when he dives in.

Well that doesn’t sound too broken then. All the ideas I’ve ever heard were something along the lines of wall-jumping or a Widow-grapple. But being canceled by damage and an animation would prevent it from being too good. I could see that. :+1:

Pls start playing doomfist a bit before making such statements. You can avoid doomfists ultimate very easily. There are multiple ways (zarya, lucio, sym, healthbuff-heroes, every hero with a barriers), but one in particular works without an additional friend to help you out: hugging corners.

When doomfist starts his ultimate you can hear it loud and clear over the whole map. Not only this, Blizzard even thought it’s necessary to make the targeted area make a sound itself, so you can pinpoint the location doomfist is currently targetting. This alone makes you able to make mindgames, like changing directions when you think he activates it, not a sure thing that you will survive, but works quite often. Still, the biggest thing is hugging corners. Doomfists ultimate won’t go around or through walls, so you can simply stand on one side of a wall were you can reach the corner fast enough in time (don’t stand exactly on the corner, otherwise the corner is of no benefit for you) and that’s it. Dodged his ultimate.

Now imagine that this crappy ability is an ultimate and tell me again how this is in any way the reason Ana will never be viable? All this doomfist hate is killing my brain-cells, it’s just hilarious how most whiners don’t have even the slightest knowledge about doomfists abilities, but still claim it’s overpowered. One last thing: A good Ana is like a counter to doomfist, a bad Ana however is free-food for doomfist. (sleepdart basically)

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Doomfist is overpowered

For seismic slam he should have never been able to do a 180 during it, you should have to commit to the angle you want to slam at. It’s too forgiving, not to mention he gets extra airtime which is really stupid.

The uppercut is incredibly cheap, you can’t move once you get uppercutted so with his new gun spread you are pretty much dead if you get slammed.

The rocket punch is really cheap, the charge up time should have been longer considering he doesn’t really have to charge it at all as long as there is a wall behind you.

The ult is really hard to escape you are full of it if you think ana can somehow survive it if the doom is any good at using his ult.

It would need testing to find the right scaling, but I would set the damage limits between 60 (melee range) and 120 (40+ meters), and the healing from 50 to 150 (so if you are at mid-range, any other healer is a plain better option).

Probably those numbers are too high. But then, as I said, I don’t play Ana.

I’m sorry, I was gm with doomfist + widow (equal playtime, before going inactive) and i can tell you, that your experience is seemingly very very limited. Not sure what rank you are, if you just play for fun or what you do, but great Ana’s are extremely difficult to deal with as doomfist, apart from this: Doomfists kit is build around high risk/high reward. The enemy team has to punish doomfist for diving in (and his hitbox is large + he has to go in to deal damage), therefore when I play doomfist I have (most of the times) stomps or I have to switch off since it’s so dependend on the teamwork or a few hard to deal with heroes (LIKE ANA!!!). Apart from that doomfist has maybe more counters than any other hero, so if he is the problem, you can counter him.

If you still think he is a problem, than at least realize that you would break him in the higher ranks. His “out-of-position” playstyle limits him too much.

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What a bunch of verbal diarrhea, so how exactly do i survive a ulting doom as ana unless the doom just sucks hard, please tell me I am waiting.

I told you and if being a gm doomfist isn’t good enough to land his ultimate + playing a 70% winrate Ana (3 hours) currently, were I have to deal with doomfist too, then I can’t help you anymore. You seem to be in denial.

You are lying, it’s nearly impossible to avoid that ult unless the doom is just garbage, quit lying.

If Hammond becomes worth a play then he’s likely gonna be paired with winston/dva or maybe both… Ana cant sleep 3 targets and Ana’s anti heal does nothing to Adaptive Shield… Brig would be better compliment to Mercy/Moira to put them in check…

At least try some points I made, I’m sure you will survive far more often. As soon as you hear his ultimate position yourself close to a wall or barrier.

You can improve it further by listening to the current position of his ultimate-location (before he activates it). Of course, barriers are far better then walls. If you have a barrier then you won’t die, since you just have to walk through it (you have to be on the other side of the center of the ring, then you take no damage, it’s the same with walls). Walls are a bit trickier to find the correct spot to position yourself, although if it’s a thin wall then you can dodge it almost reliably.

Edit: Oh, one more thing. When you start being able to dodge his ultimate, start punishing him with a sleepdart, if timed correctly, he can’t dodge it and is pretty much dead afterwards.

It’s all dependent on how much the doomfist sucks lets be real.

Pls try it, you got nothing to lose.

I have played doomfist enough to know that zen out of ult and ana are pretty much free food unless I goof up somehow which is hard to do.