Ana unfair 80 dmg nerf + QOL changes

running ana = most effective tactic available

if she is META, she is the best main healer which also means buffing her makes no sense. its like im talking to a rock

if she falls out the meta then you can start to talk about making her better but right now whatever buffs you think of is illogical, especially a buff that removes her weakness

its like a mercy main arguing that mercy needs buffs 2 seasons ago even though she was the best main healer at that time “BUT MERCY CAN’T DEFEND HERSELF”

no hero will ever be perfectly good but they can be balanced, right now ana is meta and is completely fine until another main healer takes her spot

You know that’s a backronym right. It doesn’t actually stand for it but people thought it up after the term was being used and it fits. Anyway.

This is just poor reasoning. I suppose lucio didn’t need fixed either when he was being ran in quad tank with moira.

that meta is owl meta not ladder meta

even though goats was being used there, most ranks was still doing grav dragon combo or double snipers

No pretty sure that was a map dependent meta on kings row that was used on ladder and owl, because of how broken rat was at the time. I suppose it was ran on lunar sometimes too.

Not to intrude on your discussion, but dps is damage per second which is a very strange way to look at a sniper. A sniper plays at a distance, the farther you are the smaller your window of opportunity is. A sniper is about carefully placed shots. It is also very weird the way you generalize stats for your points.

paper stats
win rates
pick rates
numbers of what a hero can do

they tell you what it CAN be, numerous possibilities for it, not what is. It is very inaccurate the way you generalize stats for your points. The simplicity of it could just be that people are bored of support category, but are good players and just play Ana a lot. IMO roles like Lucio, Mercy, Moira, Brigitte are very boring. There is just no fun main healer outside of Ana and for a good reason. A role like Ana does not feel one-dimensional playstyle like other main healers do.

  • Dps is inaccurate representation because humans are not robots with perfect aiming that will work off the idea of dps, but work off the idea of carefully aiming shots & messing up or enemies easily avoiding Ana’s damage by staying out of her LOS. (which is very easy to do against Ana compared to Widow.) Ana also has no mobility which is a huge disadvantage as she takes time to position, high cool down utility is a concern for her team, & so is her rifle.

  • Pick-rate, Win-rate… In what context?.. I do not feel you recognize this… or possibly you do, but you generalize to back your point, but its vague in the context you use it. You think everyone in competitive is playing at their 110% effort to give you an accurate assumption of pick-rate or winrate? I can tell you right now thats stats give a poor representation of my Ana gameplay. Maybe in S3 + S4 stats gave an accurate representation, because that was when I tryed my best on her & had the most time on her, but now not so much. Also Support category is lacking and Ana is the only high skill ceiling role in support category where damage roles consists of way more high skill ceiling roles.

… but you see these are random ideas I am giving you for possibilities for those stats. I can guess all day, but stats don’t tell me much at all. Stats are a poor representation in the wrong context. I do not think I am stepping out of line for what I am asking for Ana to have fixed in her kit. Majority of her weaknesses, way you exploit Ana, way you counter Ana will still exist.

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There is a balance vacuum that you ana mains never wanted to turn your attention to, how does OP think any of these suggestions are fair, they are not, ana is currently ultra oppressive against bastion, we don’t want a support ana cancelling him out of every game he is tried to be played at.
A transparent ana thread for me would be dealing with the issues bastion has vs her, you’re just trying to make them worse.

Devs said they wanted a support to counter things like bastion. I can give you the video on it as well.

As for bastion himself, that role isn’t exactly balanced and it is very weird to say oh, because a support can do things against a Bastion shes all the sudden bad and op when the fact is Bastion himself is just not in a good spot. Ana is meant to have counter-play to a role like Bastion as developers said it themselves when making abilities like sleep dart. The whole point of creating new supports is to give new options in different scenarios alongside making a good variety.

Also how exactly are these suggestions not fair? Elaborate more on that please.

some of you QOl changes are confusing and some even just straight up makes ana easier to play

your first QOl is fine, second makes no sense because this would remove skill and pre using her nade, 3th that’s just how the hero is designed, 4th is fine, 5th removes weakness in a hero which is not needed also makes her easier to play, 6th was never a issue

you basically want ana to be easier rather than “fixing” her, ana is meta right now which means that she doesn’t need any further buffs

for #2 QOL, I talked about it a bit with kazper on the thread and the idea behind it is that teammates often bodyblock your nade putting it on cool-down. Whether it be a soldier 76 on high ground with you blocking your nade, or you coming back to point as a tank gets in your way and you not only miss your nade, but put it on high cool-down for no reason at all. I do understand the idea of pre-heal with nade possibly being useful tho.

#3 It gets in the way of gameplay trying to clear fences. Also a sniper that can kill w/ people w/ 1 shot from her bullet that cant break a measly wooden or glass fence is just annoying as an aesthetic. You see a role like Doomfist easily be able to plow through fences, make a heavy indent in the wall, but a sniper is shooting rubber bullets. yawn

#5 I put mainly, because it came up a few times as people complain about healing. IMO I am fine with the current 1.5 second reload, some others are not. I like ammo management on a sniper.

#6 isn’t a major concern, but in general it feels cheap for a skill-shot to have a crutch. The appeal of Ana is that she is a sniper relation to aiming classes. That she looks a lot like a damage role. Has that appeal… but if I am a skill-shot why am I given these crutches an assist that are not needed. Like shes #1 sniper, but then she needs assist for hitting tanks?..

I do not want Ana to be easier, and I even said in this thread I hate the new ultimate as I think it makes her easier. I also appreciate things back then they nerfed like heal boost from other sources on nade. Things that made Ana harder, but made sense. I want Ana to fit that description of high skill- ceiling role w/ high risk, but I also do think it is unfair things like broken armor against her damage, or roles like Doomfist or Tracer or the slightest heal counter-playing 70 dmg.

If Ana lands 3 shots on a 200hp target that target should be dead. If the enemy healer heals them last second I think they should die still. If an enemy healer notices Ana shooting a target & heals them earlier then I think the enemy healer should be rewarded.

I just don’t appreciate clunky damage that is inconsistent. I rather her have consistency on her damage & remove dmg boost for her specifically to be honest.

ana’s nade can be thrown to the side and the splash damage will hit them from the side instead of throwing it right past your teammates, this change is just a nerf rather than a buff for ana mains

you’re forgetting that ana is a main healer first and dps second

she has the ability to assist the team with damage not soloing players alone which why they made her damage in a tick rate so it would be countered by healing

80 damage + no ticks like a mccree would make her a bit broken in the hands of anyone with decent aim

as for the tanks having large hitbox, i don’t see the issue with it since they are important heroes to not miss shots on when you don’t scope in like why would you nerf the 100% accuracy on tanks?

what for the nade through full HP teammates? but that is if they are only at full HP. Are you saying that the pre-heal nade is important? I am trying to think of scenarios where its important to pre-heal nade.

For me this is just contradicting yourself to be honest. For anyone who goes along those lines.

Yeah she has a priority of main healer, but she was marketed to appeal to dmg players as support category needs variety. Not everyone enjoys being a heal dispenser if you get what i’m saying.

You can still counter it w/ 80 damage. Like Ana gives the player so many chances to escape. If you died to the 3 shot mechanic at range you were out in the opening and Ana was punishing you for your poor positioning. I am not removing it, just making it not bull crap. Targets escape with a sliver of HP where they should have honestly have been punished as the Ana player had the positioning and aim to outplay the person. You can also instantly stop her DOT tick damage just by grabbing a healthpack which is very useful.

The counter-play to her damage isn’t being removed.

McCree has faster fire-rate than Ana, and plays more front-line. He has 6 targets where Ana has 11 and other priorities and concern outside of just damage. It wouldn’t overwhelm McCree, also he just got a range increase buff so I don’t see any Ana player outclassing McCree. She also has a low damage cap where McCree doesn’t. Not only is his raw burst damage better, but he can headshot, and has a huge advantage on peeking corners as he is instant hitscan where Ana is time to scope in or time to predict bullet.

I just want the hitbox to be accurate on some of these bigger tanks. If I am shooting thin air, IMO I am missing the tank not healing them. I could understand a target like genji or Tracer possibly needing some assist, but targets like tanks that are a decent size hard to miss?.. I think they should be accurate.

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Even with 80 damage, she wouldn’t be anywhere close to a dps. She wasn’t in season 3, she wouldn’t be now. The only difference is she’ll have a fighting chance again, which will still be much harder to utilize than other supports who are built to counter flankers.

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I’m telling you man people are just new to the idea of Ana’s variety in a category so small like support.

  1. You never had a high-skill ceiling role in support category til Ana. Hence highest value potential since shes arguably the hardest in support. They need more variety in support & they screwed up w/ roles like Brigitte and Moira.

  1. Main healer is boring. So they created Ana. A role that holds a sniper in her hand, can nade across the map like a cod knife throw and get a kill, has utility, overall has the look & playstyle of a geared sniper. Even has the teabag emote / video game sniper references. She needs dmg to not be boring. Many similarities to a dmg role for a reason.

  1. People are unaware of skill on a main healer. Is it possible to see a bad Ana player only doing damage? Of course, but 100% not a valid excuse to say she can’t have damage. Shes hard to play, hard to maximize her potential. She takes skill, but this is no different from a bad player on Genji, Tracer, or Widowmaker not getting picks. People think main healer = hold m1 and pocket, but this is not Ana’s playstyle. Shes not limited to only main heals, and rifle damage is also a priority of hers.

I can’t even argue against this. It’s sadly true. When they started releasing hero’s that cater to casuals and have low skill for high impact, the game’s just gone downhill. Though, to be fair that was also around the time Mercy became a must pick so, hard to put the blame entirely on them.

My biggest thing is, the game is a team based fps. Even if she is a healer, why does that mean the hero shouldn’t be able to kill things? Like, if Overwatch was designed as a team based fps, every hero should be able to kill any other hero. Though, I’m also a bitter old Ana main that firmly believes cooldown managment and mechanical skill should play a heavy role in who you can kill, but that’s me personally.

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IMO Mercy was fine with the old ultimate, roles like Hanzo, Widowmaker have abilties to see through walls, & are roles that are meant to pick her off. Maybe rez through wall was bad, but LOS multiple rez for ult was not bad and predictable.

As for “cater to low skill” I agree. I also think new nanoboost is low-skill. Only range buff useful, but the heal buff is just easy mode dont screw up.

Nano is used as an offense tool, or used for damage resistance… now? Like what the hell man. Developers don’t have a good balance philosophy or they are just not listening to the right crowds.

^ This,

also the fact that shes hold a sniper rifle should be the most obvious factor that its meant to kill things. In terms of gameplay no I do not think she should be going on team wipes or only damage, but damage should be used on the side whether it be in a 1v1 or picking off a target to support your team. Healing alone is boring & low impact to your team.


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Pretty much a big part of why I don’t enjoy playing Mercy. At least Zenyatta you can frag out.

I think or assume that people don’t get that Ana’s sustain is her rifle damage.

Ana is meant to be played at a distance. She can’t play at a distance if her rifle damage is too too inconsistent where shes constantly being forced off high ground by roles like Doom, Tracer, & many other factors that get in the way.

Rifle damage is honestly the bet bet for Ana’s sustain as it works well all around her playstyle while requiring skill to utilize whereas other spammed suggestions from the community or reworks from devs like nano just lower her skill.

This seems to be the case. With no mobility and her lack of self sustain, damage is her means of survival. One could argue she doesn’t need to damage like Zenyatta because she has so much offensive utility, which I agree with personally. Still, bumping her to 80 damage would put her nowhere near those numbers, and her offensive utility is best used for her teams sake. If she does burn them fighting off flankers, her teams already at a disadvantage.

They aren’t to comparable in my opinion. Regardless of both being hybrids / no mobility one is a front-line damage support while the other is a back-line distanced hybrid sniper w/ utility. So their design is different.

I mean I guess in terms of comparing roles that heal when it comes to utility, ultimates, and healing stats it can make sense, but outside of this I feel like the playstyles are different from each other by a long shot. sniper pun intended

in general I think its fine if a main healer could kill. Otherwise you have a category of a one-dimensional playstyle like Mercy or Reaper that is very dull.

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Even though I’m a mercy main, i really want ana to be better.
She’s actually super fun