Ana unfair 80 dmg nerf + QOL changes

Oh, no i dont think more damage is the way to go.
But i just wanted to say that you were downplaying Tracer’s advantage over Ana.

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DOT damage gives plenty of time to use recall what are you talking about. It isn’t hard to grab a health-pack or control the the 1v1 as Tracer against Ana.

again easiest thing to abuse is that Tracer is all about mobility and Ana has none. It is very tilted to the Tracers advantage, and a good Tracer can easily control the 1v1.

Ana scoped in or Widow scoped in is the easiest 1 clip for Tracer, Genji, Doomfist. Its like their wet dream for that to happen. If you play a lot of the class this comes naturally.

If not 1 clip most likely 2 if they have been playing the class normally. I seriously played her, and she was not a problem for me… but I do see this often. A lot of bad Tracer players and a lot of bad Ana players. High skill = high reward must be considered.

Being dead all the time is part why she can’t keep up with Mercy/Moira which is why the 80 damage buff was asked to comeback. Also even Ana is a scary duelist Mercy makes any of your scary targets twice the threat and if you kill them you might have to deal with them the second time. Overall it still doesn’t make sense.

This is why in my opinion I do believe Ana needs the damage back plus a passive self healing. Tracer players needs to stop being salty if they get two shot by a skilled Ana.

Dying to a Brigitte combo is easy.

Skilled Ana’s are harder to come by then a Brigitte. If Ana has a reason to be picked more you will have a easier time dealing with being two-shotted then Brigitte combo of death.

Ana is skill cap hero she needs these things or else she has no point. People really don’t seem to understand that.

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What passive self-healing you got in mind. I also asked you to repost the list of QOL changes you had earlier since I want to look over / discuss them. Would be appreciated.

I think 50 shields would be interesting.
Having Ana’s base health pool consist of 150 health and 50 shields would give her a bit more resistance against chip damage, as shields regenerate after not taking damage for a few seconds. This would let her waste less nades on herself and increase her survivability a little.

And hey, maybe Sombra would see more use when we have more heroes with shields :man_shrugging:

Of course, i still think we need to give the incoming support changes a chance before asking for more buffs. Who knows, Ana might very well be the strongest support after all the changes.

Alright then I probably didn’t see it my bad I’ll get it.

This is from a old post of mines but this is something I thought she needed at the time from back then. Still kind of feel that way though. I already know I’m probably about to hear that’s OP.

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I don’t think she needs 80 back, she can 3 shot everything that matters with 70, 60 was far too low.

The problem with Ana is we are addicted to the consistent healing we get from mercy, and I don’t feel the next patch will change that much.

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See I don’t know about shields or passive healing though.

Why not make a way that is a give / take method. That if she throws her nade and lands it on targets or the targets she heals gives a very very very small amount of slow regen back to her health.

Cause when you say shields its 3 seconds then regen, wait then regen type of idea, but she plays at a distance, so I would say in the sense of core-identity / skill she should take some skill to use the passive and shouldn’t have it for free.

I kinda don’t care that mercy can self-heal, Ana is her own role and should have that design around her be fitting to what she is. A sniper support.

Take a closer look at 70 damage. It is too easily countered. Shields, self-heals, enemy healers, healthpacks, any slight factor that comes into play will take a dump on 70 damage and targets either escape with a sliver of HP where they should have died or you die, because of the slightest thing.

It is slight, but it makes a difference in being less clunky. Thats all 80 damage is for. To refine mechanics and be more fitting to sustain / use to overall make her a better role through her entire kit.

Too many things overwhelm her rifle damage which makes no sense for the amount of drawbacks the damage has in the 1st place. 80 dmg fits even for the enemy player.

I was being sarcastic because honestly I thought you were with the “tracer running for a health pack and 1 clipping ana stuff” I guess not? You seem to have a scewed view of tracer.

Its distinct not slight. I’ll give you that.

That’s an escape issue not damage. Just look at old hanzo. Damage by the bucket full but still a troll pick because he had way to run. Ana is an even bigger target as a support and suffers from the same thing. That’s just my opinion tho.

for the passive you said about heals getting back for the rifle are you saying like lucio healing where its slow? or are you saying instant 15 hp back every shot landed. Cause you say HPS which I assume is heals per second.

The sleep dart cool-down is tricky. Although Widow has her disengage hook changed to 8 seconds, consider what sleep-dart can do. Sleep dart is like 5.5 seconds and .5 seconds of animation. So 6 seconds you take the target out of a team fight. With other CC you can legit I feel grab something like McCree, Brig, & Ana and stun a target forever if its at 8 seconds. I would leave the sleep-dart where it is, if other passives like self-heals were there w/ rifle damage then I think she could do her job well. I think her utility is fine on long cool-downs regardless if other roles don’t have long cool-downs.

I think a general reload time is 1.5 for a lot of damage classes. Take a look at the wiki, roles like soldier 76 also have the same 1.5 seconds reload. I don’t think it’d be a problem to add that .25 second reload, but you really think that type of reload is necessary in the game? that teammates really die to healing cause of .25 seconds? Personally I like the aesthetic & strategy to reloading when there is down-time.

As for the revert on the bionade… whats the reason? and what do you mean “no 100% heal boost”

What i mean by no 100% healing boost its currently at 50% where as all other sources gain 50% more healing that affected by the nade that’s what I meant by not returning from 100% boost.

Also the reason why I said the nade affects can return because it was nerf because of the healing 100% boost but that’s not here anymore.

Also many people died because Ana reload is slow. I will say people are so used to Mercy which isn’t our fault but mostly the devs for allowing Mercy to be too strong for so long that its hard for others to accept different things.

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You didn’t answer the 1st part.

So for the nade radius increase, whats the use for then? for just some bigger radius to heal? anti-heal for the enemy? I personally find the radius to be fine / an idea of predicting movement & how nade timing.

as for the reload time, you really think .25 seconds will make a difference?

That was also part of the nerf she received. Which both are reverts because the healing boost of 100% is gone. That nerf in general is no longer necessary if the reason of why the range and time has been nerf is gone.

Also if people complained about .1 second for Sombra’s hack and for the fact that Sombra’s Hack buff was only increased by .15 seconds just shows how much this little time makes a difference even for Ana’s reload.

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fair point on the timing part.

Did she normally have the self-heal passive you listed where you heal someone, but she self-heals? If so where is it on the patch notes.

Overwatch 2 - Patch Notes

I’ma update the thread for that reload time and put it as a passive, I am still thinking about other stuff you said though and am skeptical.

She never had built self healing in her kit. But I did say because of LUCIO it was like she had passive healing because his range was really huge.

Also yes if she did get the 15 HPS its will act the same as her healing shots. But it will only work with her allies not enemies and counter play isn’t hard.

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Yeah, but thats not really a fair point, because you can say targets like Brig, Mercy, Moira ball can all heal Ana at a distance. So even if Lucio is not played other roles can deal with that chip damage.

and when you say 15 HPS, you mean if I shoot someone 1 second I will gain 15 hp back like slowly?

I also still need convincing on the nade. I don’t really see a reason why it should be a bigger radius.

You’re right but the difference between Lucio and the others is that Lucio can multi task with his and doesn’t need a action or gives up anything to keep Ana heal. Brigitte has to fight, Moira has to fight or she loses meter and Mercy has to cater to multiple people and not just Ana. Lucio was able to do all with no cost that’s the difference.

Also yes if you shoot an ally you will gain the 15 HP back at the same rate like your normal shots for teammates. Keep in mind this will be lowest self heal that gets a small reward for doing her job.

Also the nade might be fine but the reasoning of why the nerf is still there makes no sense.

It’s exactly why Mei got her damage fall off reverts back to normal. Because there was no reason for it when everybody else with projectiles had no fall off damage and especially when Hanzo is already better at her when doing that. Do you understand a bit better?

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Yeah thats true. With every support there is the drawback if Ana is on high-ground on lets say “temple of anubis” then if your a mercy player its a disadvantage to be flying that far. Sort of the problem with Widow & Ana playing at a distance vs support teammates, but Widow at least has an easy mobility disengage to help. Ana is sleep or die in some scenarios which is poor design. I can see what you mean by Lucio radius helped out.

So whats like the brief explanation to update in the thread? Also I wanna make sure its weak and slow. Mainly for the fact It should NOT be used like spam healing a tank, and a flanker not being able to kill you. Would it be possible that enemy damage cancels this passive? So you basically cant just spam your team to get healed like a mercy self-heal regen.

Ana gains HPS per shot, but a very small / slow amount such as 15.
[add reason why here…]

^ help me out with that. Its for chip damage & issues playing at a distance alone?

As for the nade, I think the reason it was nerfed was for tank meta I think or possibly the idea of just landing a bunch of damage / anti-heal on the enemy or landing burst healings easily. It could have been a big radius in general needing to be nerfed. Her nade is powerful.

Mei is a different story though discussing her role in general, and the speed of her projectile I feel. She’s not a sniper lol and a projectile that one taps Tracer lol … but again I am not too familiar with a role like Mei.

Well at first when I thought about the idea of healing per shot I said it doesn’t work on full health targets but with her buff of not being able to heal full targets got rid of this problem.

The reason for Ana getting a passive heal because of how fast the game became and because of how much more damage output the game has gotten because of new characters and buffs to characters like Junkrat which is why these newer support including Mercy all have built in passive healing or good escape options (Mercy’s Valkyrie basically her passive way better). The only acceptation is Zenyatta because he has very high damage output and no cooldowns what’s so ever on him and is able to be a sniper with his ult fire which is why Zenyatta is considered balanced and on top of that he has a lot shields in his health and at first he had 150 HP which later got buffed to 200 HP.

In Ana’s case she has nothing but nade and her reward and value is completely off on top of losing good allies and indirect nerfs/nerfs that made her worst.

Ana getting a small passive heal just helps a little and spamming allies for your health back won’t always work because of body blocking, shields, and enemies being in your face.

As a DPS/Support flex I know what it is like on both side and since I play all the support it just shows really how much of why Ana isn’t picked. Her work is not worth her value also her reward isn’t good enough.

She has way too much counter-play. Although we call say yes Mercy is a problem which is true but Ana way more issues than that. Not to mention every other support have an ultimate that benefits themselves except Ana plus on top of all of this will all have voicelines when being attacked except Ana.

Moira is the only other offensive support ultimate and even that benefits her somewhat.

I like playing Ana and i can do very well with her even before her buffs.
Currently there are a few overpowered characters on OW and i’d rather wait till
things balance out before increasing her stats.

A lot of my gameplay is in QP because its fun to play as Ana :slight_smile: