Ana powershift/ "rework"

Ana honestly should outmatch Moira, since she has to, you know, aim?

Current design is to make the higher skilled heroes obsolete outside of the top tiers. Look at Moira/Brigitte. Unless you are at masters skill, why would you ever take Ana over those 2? There’s no situation to learn Ana, except she happens to fun due to aiming.

The worst part about this statement is that Ana isn’t even all that useful at higher tiers.

Her best spot is around Diamond before dropping off HORRIBLY in Masters & Grandmasters.

Sure, people have the skill to play Ana in higher-tiers, but people also have the skill to DOMINATE with her counters as well.

…and countering Ana is a lot easier than actually getting value from her.

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This doesn’t solve any of her issues?

She would still be super weak to chip damage as well as not having enough button binds to add another ability

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Ana main also on board with gutting heal boost. Bionade and OP tanks that have since been nerfed are the only reason she was ever much of a problem. without that they can actually look at what should be the core of her kit and realize how much she lacks. If it’s buffed on heals to compensate though I personally would cast my vote in to make it a short heal over time kinda like her damage, just to retain some of its’ current ability to help sustain through damage for a short while.

All that said I vote for this gutting strictly to put these concerns of creating world of tanks 2 aside so serious buffs to the rest of her it can be considered.

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Well I mean with the 100 burst, followed by her 102hps I mathed it out to be ALMOST as good as it is currently; but yes it is weaker.

Though there isn’t much to it since she would still be the only character who could heal almost 200 hp at once WITHOUT making her too good at too many things. She would still only be single target bust with Moira offering more AOE heals.

Ok so first off I would completely remove the healing part of her biotic grenade and just keep it as an offensive ability, maybe even a bit less powerful then it is now. That in turn keeps Ana utility in team fights but dose not make her over powered.
Now without the threat of the big scary tank meta we can actually do something about her base kit so she doesn’t feel so underwhelming.

  1. Change the base mechanic of her main attack to work as a railgun (hit-scan) would while lowering the healing and damage and allowing it to go trough **BOUTH players and shields**
  2. Give her a skill-shot that activates when she hits more then one target so if you hit both an enemy player and a friendly the base healing/damage goes up by let's say 10% (keep in mind that the base value of her attack will now be a lot lower) this being able to stack up all the way to let's say 150%, a case so rare that it would be instant play of the game.
  3. Also I would be more then ok with the friendly hitboxes being a more normal size. 

Now I know that this change might make her more of a spam character missing more shots but she might become a very nice hero that has a low skill requirement to start playing but a very high skill ceiling kinda’ like Tracer at the top end of the game.

Hope I was able to get my point across since I’m not an English native speaker and sorry for any mistakes I might have made.

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I don’t really like the idea as it seems more of a full “rework”

Ana currently is VERY close to being balanced as is, but because of Moira’s healing numbers mixed with Ana’s there’s fear of too much health being available.

By making her grenade only work once for a moment, it gives the dev more room to work on Ana’s numbers without fear of making her and another support too good together. That was the issue before with her and Lucio. 100% healing bonus from Ana’s grenade mixed with Lucio’s 30 metre aura.

Even now with the grenade only offering 50% heal bonus, by mixing a buffed Ana with current Moira, there’s a recipe for disaster.

They don’t have to 100% change the identity of an ability, just change how it works in relation to other skills and other heroes.

Ok, so… I’ve read a lot of nice suggestions here, but I’ve also read a few things that are actually very, VERY scary.

Guys, remember that Ana’s ONLY self sustain is the biotic grenade. And she doesn’t have the mobility to go running for healthpacks…
And it’s not even a good self sustain as it is!

Exactly that

They would have to give Ana a MASSIVE healing passive to compensate if they just outright removed the healing from her grenade and that would be so much effort for such a simple fix.

Let her heal say 15 hp if she heals a teammate with her rifle. Doesn’t make her super powerful BUT lets her live through chip damage. Without the Grenade heal bonus either, it can’t be buffed to insane numbers either :wink:

Just make Ana have 150 HP plus 50 shields, and give her 1 passive to do a wall climb into sniper positions.

No other changes.

Ana would be just fine then.

That’s too situational imo tho.
You need your friendlies to get hit to actually heal?
Just imagine a Genji poking with his totally balanced shurikens. Say through his superior aiming skills, one hits you. That’s 28 damage (pray it’s not a headshot).

You need to heal a teammate twice to heal that back up. That’s 150 healing on a teammate. So you need someone in your team to take 150 damage (that’s 3/4 of a squishy) to heal yourself from random poke?

Also, as it stands, unless you are GaleAdelade or Ryujehong, Ana’s only way of fighting back flankers is landing a good grenade that both heals you and hits the flanker. That way they are scared off or at least you buy enough time for someone that can actually deal with them notice you.
Because being honest, 8/10 sleep darts will miss. And even if you land it, chances are you won’t be able to combo them.

The way I see it, Ana has too little impact for the amount of skill required (compared to other supports). She is mostly defenseless against attacks. Can’t escape and can’t fight back. (Unless you are god, in which case you might as well be cleaning with Widow) Ultimates like Genji’s, Tracer’s or Doomfist’s are pretty much unavoidable death sentences for you unless they missplay, or you roll a natural 20.

Now that said, I can’t think of a way of making her better without breaking her.
Shields are a Zenyatta thing, wallrunning is Shimada’s and Grapple is widow. Ana should have something characteristic. I don’t like copypasting abilities.

The issue is if you let Ana survive easier, that means she can use her Grenade more meaning her and Moira can make a 3 tank meta easier without an easy way to make sure Ana is pinned down.

By making Ana better, you make Moira better, and then you make Tanks better.

That is the current problem.

If you are running 3 tanks, wouldn’t you always want Moira/Lucio? I can’t imagine what kind of huge buffs Ana would need to make her swap out either of those. You definitely need Lucio for the speed and Moira can do a ton of AoE healing.

Well any healing you do, be it 1-85 (With the new numbers) would be enough to activate your passive. So 2 shots would be enough to heal yourself, and that’s usually pretty easy to do in and out of combat, people take poke damage.

Plus it won’t change the interaction of being dove, Ana still needs SOME weakness afterall.

Ana will be a super powerful healer; the highest with 102 hps BUT wont be as weak to being chipped down and have an actual option to keep yourself topped up and alive.

Still hope something like this happens ;'D

Just to offer some thoughts, what if her biotic nade was nerfed like you suggested,(removing the heal bonus), thus making it a more offensive tool with some group support potential that she lacks, but she gains an ability like a miniature nano boost, where (with a skill shot like her sleep) she can slightly boost the damage, speed, and healing received for a single target? Since this is single target, it wouldn’t be incredibly op with other healers, and would maintain her burst healing on tanks. She could potentially also have the ability to use it on herself, giving her more escape and self healing. This would also somewhat buff nano-boost since if both of these abilities were used on one target, they would be extremely difficult to kill. Another idea I had is just to let her shoot through barriers, with half of the damage going to the barrier, and half of the healing/damage going to the target. Just some thoughts.

Ana’s kit is already kind of loaded as is; that’s sort of the problem as well.

Giving her MORE abilities would just add another layer of issues

Also if they ever get around to actually fixing the bug with Moira healing through barriers; the only supports who would be able to are Zen and Mercy. Giving Ana that option would step on other supports and that’s not what I want, I want EVERY support to be a solid option in most situations, making one even slightly better than others in too many places gives us the problems we’ve been having

Though I wouldn’t say no to a buff for Ana when she Nanoboosts, Maybe the old speed portion could be given to Ana? So the person you target gets the bonus’ and Ana gets the speed

I said that in the OP? lol

But the issue is I want to take some power away from her Grenade, to push it into her base rifle

Ana currently is only really good with big heavy Tank filled teams, she doesn’t waste as much resource healing them as they take lots of damage anyways; But the problem there is Blizzard is ACTIVELY trying to keep Tank heavy teams a non viable option

That leaves Ana in a VERY poor place. She works best in Tank comps, Tanks comps are supressed, Ana is left in a terrible spot.

By taking away power from healing tanks, and moving it more into a “general” role, Ana will be better suited for more comps.

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